You know every now and then, a friend whispers something in your ear concerning something that you really had some reservations about, but you did it anyway, and what that friend told you was something that you really needed to hear? Well, I do thank God for friends. Because just the other day, one of my beautiful sisters in spirit sent me an e-mail regarding my blogspot and said something that I really needed to hear. She asked me the question, exactly what demographic was I trying to cater to? Now she did not just ask me this for no apparent reason, I actually asked for her opinion about how things looked and the general feel of the site. She responded with this question because several weeks ago, I had a questionable posting regarding a certain NFL player that was of an adult nature. At the time, my thoughts were of how many women would read this and become faithful readers because they would grow to expect this on my blog from time to time. In my mind "gotcha" was in capital letters and dancing with disaster. However, I did not know this. If my intentions were pure at the time, I would have realized that this posting was not only tasteless and immature, it was certainly not in sync with the original vision I had for the site. In her e-mail, my friend had mentioned to me, how uplifted and spiritual she felt after reading the poems of the day and the discussion postings and that most of the individuals she has spoken with, had felt the same way. Now back to her question, "Exactly what demographic are you trying to cater to?" In a subtle way, it began to sink in, that I had actually sold out. I had allowed greed (yes greed) to consume me and drag me to what I thought was the fast track to popularity. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I was always taught, that it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong and an even bigger man to correct his wrongdoing. This is where I have to say that I am so sincerely sorry. I was so engulfed in the positive feedback and the e-mails that I wanted more. I wanted more people to read, comment, send e-mails, share, etc. So much so, that I lowered myself to a level that is beyond me and beyond what this blogspot represents. I wanted the teenagers, the housewives, the people that sit around all day, the players, the upper class, the closeted, everybody! And truth be told, I can still welcome those individuals, but under the condition that when you come, expect to be lifted, fulfilled, moved and removed (smile) because there is enough trash in this world sitting at our feet, so we don't need it in our spirits. I've always said that we are ALL ministers, vehicles for spirit, vessels, tools to be used by the Creator and this is my own little way of letting my light shine. So I hope that you will forgive me and expect greater things of each other, because there are so many works yet undone, for you, for me and this blogspot.
Take care and much love,
p.s. a special thanks to you Marcia.
Welcome to my blogspot. As you may already know I am WYLD STYLZ, published author, poet, singer and just an everyday guy trying to make my life and the lives of others just a bit richer, more fulfilling and at times, tolerable. In this blogspot, I want to focus on us as people, how we can help each other, current events and a bit of celebrity gossip (if that what it takes to get you to continue visiting). In the meantime, let's get to know each other, learn and have some fun. Band...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Updates Coming Soon
An update will be coming real soon. I've got some hot juicy celebrity gossip that I am working on as well as some good food for your spirit. So check back later today.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Hai Karate!

When I was about 8 years old, my aunt gave me a bottle of Hai Karate after shave and I went stone crazy. I dabbed some on and started judo chopping and kicking at everything and anyone in sight. I did this for about three days until Mama Elsie had had enough and tore my @ss up with her own rendition of a black belt! Do you remember Hai Karate?
Scorching Hot Ghetto Mess

Apparently this poor woman is missing two things in her life:
1. A full length mirror
2. A good friend in her life that will tap her on the shoulder and say, "Your face and hair is real cute, but why don't we go with another outfit."
I believe she is really a video vixen hiding a few rappers in that trunk of hers.
Does Whitney Houston Still Have It?
Now I will admit that Whitney has been looking real good the last couple of times I've seen her, but I am still a bit concerned about that voice. Is it me, or does she not sound quite like she used to? You tell me.
I am the river of love
that flows through your veins
and the conscience of life
that thrives in your brain
and bronze and black granite
I stand in your soul
and dreams that you live
until you are old.
that flows through your veins
and the conscience of life
that thrives in your brain
and bronze and black granite
I stand in your soul
and dreams that you live
until you are old.
I am the passion
unleashed, unmatched, untamed
from sweaty palms on smooth faces
and in bronze and black granite
I dance in your head
and songs that you sing
until you are dead.
I am the fruit of the earth
with the nectar you crave
the prince that protects you
from now ’til the grave.
And to testify to truth of myself,
I am the bosom of peace
where mercy lies
and the bed of solace
from which you should rise.
And in bronze and black granite
and kisses so sweet
I am a real black man
from the crown of my head
to the soles of my feet.
Chris Tucker?
With Chris Tuckers new plump body, if he doesn't remind you of Mister Willie Earl. He was the guy your mother had as a boyfriend, but they didn't want you to know, so he always gave you dimes and peppermints to keep you settled. Mainly because he was married and a deacon at the church (LOL). Stop me!

The One and Only Lord of the Rings
I have a few rings that I have been wearing over the years now, and for the life of me, I could never figure out how when I picked them up and looked at them, they had actually changed from a perfect circular form and taken on a more oval shape, one even warped almost. No, I have never had my hand run over by a car, caught in a garbage disposal or maimed in any way to have caused these rings to take these odd shapes. I concluded that since I wear them so often, that over the years they must have taken these figures from the slow and constant pressure of my finger. So I got on the internet and did a little research and found out that actual heat from my hand in combination with pressure had accounted for the fact that almost of the rings that I owned were no longer the perfectly rounded circles they once were. That’s right, over the years the metal had actually bent. Somehow, this was the weirdest thing to me and I wanted ever so desperately for an analogy to compare this to. I thought of how a tree could actually grow through a fence, how sound could go through a wall and how the bones of children grow. You never see it happening, you just look up one day and there it is. But those instances would not be the ones that would hit home the hardest for me. Finally, one came to mind. The one where like the ring, God transforms our lives. Years and years of molding, by His will, changes us. You just look up one day and here we are. We are older and wiser, bigger and better and transformed to the point where so many things we once did, doesn’t bring us that joy that it used to. This change, like my ring, goes unnoticed from day to day, but yet, certain forces are constantly active around us, to form me (us) into the individuals we are at this very moment. Now I would tend to believe that nothing about my rings had changed, relative to its material composition, as well as nothing has changed about my genetic make up, but something has changed about how we look at things, feel about certain situations, react to people, see the world, speak, value things that matter, etc. But in the midst of this new revelation, there is still constant imperfection. I wanted my rings to be perfectly round again, but they weren’t and will never be naturally. Why? Because a supernatural force had changed them. That same force that has changed us. And when a change occurs in the supernatural, there is not much that we can do to deter it. A force so omnipotent that it is able to take a single cell and produce an entire race of people that have walked this earth for literally since it’s existence (that’s my opinion). But wait, there’s more. That force is still in constant action, working yet again, to transform us….always. The joy in this is that even though, we (like my rings) may not be perfect to the eye, the supernatural force has been assuring us, that it is still evolving us to becoming better individuals and most importantly, to enjoy the ride to see where it is taking us. So in essence, relate yourself to that ring, relate the time and pressure to the supernatural will of the creator and the bending as your transformation. Allowing ourselves to shine, even with our imperfections is Gods way of telling the world, He’s still working on us. So forget what the movie says, our God is truly the one and only, Lord of the Rings.
Chris Brown - Rihanna Update
In an exclusive breaking news story, they are reporting that Rihanna actually started the fight and are saying why. Well, I don't give two shits who started it, a brother needs to learn when to walk away. Before reading, remember there are three sides to every story; his side, her side and then the truth.
Rihanna was messed up something awful.
Unconfirmed police reports are saying that after her incident with Chris Brown this weekend, Rihanna suffered a split lip, bloody nose, swelling and bruising on both sides of her face and bite marks on her arms and fingers. Wow, this guy must really be dealing with some inside demons. Remember his 2007 interview with "Giant" magazine when he spoke about his stepfather would physically abuse his mother?
Beyonce' as Angela Davis?
I hear that Director, Rachid Bouchareb is wanting Beyonce' to play the lead role in an upcoming movie about the life of civil rights activist Angela Davis. What? Now I dig Beyonce' and all, but I have always given her acting abilities the "you really trying" side eye. I know I may get some flack for this, but I say give that part to someone else, please.
An Amazing Story: Brothers Build AIDS Clinic
While the media praises the Jonas Brothers for mediocre music, inability to sing and dull fashion saavy,these brothers are the ones who really deserve the attention:
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Chris Brown - Rihanna Saga
I am sure that by now, everyone has heard about the altercation between music superstars, Chris Brown and Rihanna. Well here is the most recent video of Chris Brown turning himself in to police. Remember that song "Young Love" by Janet Jackson on her very first album? Things have certainly changed (SMH). Chris has since been released on $50,000 bond.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Somebody please comment on this sh*t!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
CUFF LINKS - A Brief American History 1860-2008
Beyonce' better watch her back!
If you haven't heard the recent comments, Blues singer, Etta James made about our Commander in Chief and Pop Diva, Beyonce', here it is (she's something for an old chick):
We are asking that the Lord will keep Beyonce' strong and safe in these turbulent times and keep Miss Etta's switchblade away from her beautiful face becasue we sense some hater-ation in the mix. (LOL).
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Guess Who?
POEM OF THE DAY - "The End of a Love Affair"
The poem is one of my personal favorites. I wrote it in about 20 minutes on the strength of a friend of mine going through turmoil with her then husband over and over again. I hope you enjoy reading it as mush as I did writing it:
"The End of a Love Affair"
What happens when the music ends
and the dance is not so sweet?
The lover affair has gone so sour
and the flame is oh so weak.
The roses have all wilted
the cards all thrown away.
A night’s embrace has been replaced
with silence from night to day.
The sweet perfume no longer lingers
the sex is come and go.
The arguments more aggressive,
your lover, now your foe.
The dinner table never used
the china gathers dust.
A shower together, never,
your nudeness, your disgust.
The kindness lead to rumors
of things you dare not do.
Your circle of friends has multiplied,
now made up of two.
The effort goes unnoticed
on the time you spent doing
things that helped you achieve
the dreams you were pursuing.
A cold hello and then goodbye
no kiss to make your day.
I know you often wonder how
could you treat each other that way?
The nights alone are replaced with sex
from a person that misleads,
uses your body and leaves you ashamed
just to satisfy your needs.
The tokens of love have all but vanished,
the debt, you no longer share.
The price for love now paid with hate
at the end of a love affair.
So what happens when the music ends
and the dance is not so sweet?
Do you start the record over
just to let the dance repeat?
"The End of a Love Affair"
What happens when the music ends
and the dance is not so sweet?
The lover affair has gone so sour
and the flame is oh so weak.
The roses have all wilted
the cards all thrown away.
A night’s embrace has been replaced
with silence from night to day.
The sweet perfume no longer lingers
the sex is come and go.
The arguments more aggressive,
your lover, now your foe.
The dinner table never used
the china gathers dust.
A shower together, never,
your nudeness, your disgust.
The kindness lead to rumors
of things you dare not do.
Your circle of friends has multiplied,
now made up of two.
The effort goes unnoticed
on the time you spent doing
things that helped you achieve
the dreams you were pursuing.
A cold hello and then goodbye
no kiss to make your day.
I know you often wonder how
could you treat each other that way?
The nights alone are replaced with sex
from a person that misleads,
uses your body and leaves you ashamed
just to satisfy your needs.
The tokens of love have all but vanished,
the debt, you no longer share.
The price for love now paid with hate
at the end of a love affair.
So what happens when the music ends
and the dance is not so sweet?
Do you start the record over
just to let the dance repeat?
Reader Profile - Terry Arthur
When I first saw that we had a reader from Barbados, I was surprised as well as excited that the blogspot had actually been viewed by a reader that far. When I realized that the reader was of such prestidgeous musical royalty, I was estatic. Well, I'll let his profile speak for itself. Readers, our very first reader profile, the talented and accomplished, Mr. Terry Arthur:
TERRY “MEXICAN” ARTHUR is a 41 year old musician, producer and songwriter from the island of BARBADOS. He started playing music professionally at the tender age of nine in a community steel band from his home town of Britton’s Hill; St. Michael called the HARMONITES STEEL BAND. After leaving The Lodge School where he continued to hone his musical skills, Terry worked on the cruise ships as a professional musician, playing steel pan, keyboards and percussion. After seven years on the high seas, Terry returned to Barbados and joined a young local band called SQUARE ONE.
TERRY quickly became the main songwriter, producer and musical director for the band, writing all their main hits for ALISON HINDS including RAGGAMUFFIN, which won the ROAD MARCH-the first of any female in Barbados. His writing signature can be found on some of SQUARE One’s biggest hits including IRON BAZODEE, DJ RIDE, AYE, AYE, AYE and LADIES RULE. Terry’s writing and producing credits extend beyond the success of SQUARE ONE to include hits for some of the biggest acts in the soca world, such as EDWIN YEARWOOD, MACHEL MONTANO, RUPEE, LIL RICK, GRYNNER and PATRICE ROBERTS. He has also been involved in more than 15 Road March songs around the world, including JUMP for RUPEE. While he continues to write, arrange and produce songs for the biggest stars in the soca arena, he can also be found playing jazz with acclaimed saxophonist ARTURO TAPPIN and some of the best musicians in the island.
TERRY’S extensive touring schedule has included EUROPE, NORTH AMERICA, SOUTH AMERICA, AFRICA, and virtually the entire CARIBBEAN. He has now turned his focus to his own projects, and to date TERRY has two steel pan cd’s: STEEL PAN IN PARADISE and A GIFT FROM BARBADOS. TERRY credits EDDY GRANT, ARTURO TAPPIN, NICHOLAS BRANCKER, RICKY BRATHWAITE, GABBY, GRYNNER, RED PLASTIC BAG and MAC FINGALL as his biggest influences. TERRY has received the CORNER STONE AWARD from the BARBADOS MUSIC AWARDS for his contribution to music in Barbados, and he and the band SQUARE ONE will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009.
TERRY quickly became the main songwriter, producer and musical director for the band, writing all their main hits for ALISON HINDS including RAGGAMUFFIN, which won the ROAD MARCH-the first of any female in Barbados. His writing signature can be found on some of SQUARE One’s biggest hits including IRON BAZODEE, DJ RIDE, AYE, AYE, AYE and LADIES RULE. Terry’s writing and producing credits extend beyond the success of SQUARE ONE to include hits for some of the biggest acts in the soca world, such as EDWIN YEARWOOD, MACHEL MONTANO, RUPEE, LIL RICK, GRYNNER and PATRICE ROBERTS. He has also been involved in more than 15 Road March songs around the world, including JUMP for RUPEE. While he continues to write, arrange and produce songs for the biggest stars in the soca arena, he can also be found playing jazz with acclaimed saxophonist ARTURO TAPPIN and some of the best musicians in the island.
TERRY’S extensive touring schedule has included EUROPE, NORTH AMERICA, SOUTH AMERICA, AFRICA, and virtually the entire CARIBBEAN. He has now turned his focus to his own projects, and to date TERRY has two steel pan cd’s: STEEL PAN IN PARADISE and A GIFT FROM BARBADOS. TERRY credits EDDY GRANT, ARTURO TAPPIN, NICHOLAS BRANCKER, RICKY BRATHWAITE, GABBY, GRYNNER, RED PLASTIC BAG and MAC FINGALL as his biggest influences. TERRY has received the CORNER STONE AWARD from the BARBADOS MUSIC AWARDS for his contribution to music in Barbados, and he and the band SQUARE ONE will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009.
To see the steel drum master in his element, click here:
Keyshia Cole and her Mother Frankie cover VIBE Magazine
Chrissy Snow is taking the thing waaaaaaay too far!

Actress, Suzanne Somers made claims recently that she keeps young by taking estriol injections vaginally. She begins with rubbing a syringe of estrogen on one arm, every day. For two weeks out of the month, she rubs progesterone on the other. In addition to that, she takes 60 pills a day as part of her youth regimen.
I don't know, but she might want to up that pill count becasue to me, she looks her age.
Nigerian Families Make Disturbing Claims Agains Pfizer
This story is not only disturbing, it is reminiscent of the Tuskegee Experiment. Several Nigerian families are saying that pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer illegally experimented on their children with test antibiotics. Click here to read the whole story:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Updates coming this evening (02/03/09)
I know I haven't updated the spot for a few days now and that's not cool. But with all the Superbowl hype and a three day weekend, a brother can WYLD out without limits. But this evening, I will provide you with some good celebrity gossip, a discussion posting and some other things. So be sure to grab a glass of wine and check back. Until then, be blessed.
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