Welcome to my blogspot. As you may already know I am WYLD STYLZ, published author, poet, singer and just an everyday guy trying to make my life and the lives of others just a bit richer, more fulfilling and at times, tolerable. In this blogspot, I want to focus on us as people, how we can help each other, current events and a bit of celebrity gossip (if that what it takes to get you to continue visiting). In the meantime, let's get to know each other, learn and have some fun. Band...
Friday, January 30, 2009
Michael Jordan did what!!!???
Another day, another tell all book. Anyway, this time it's Deloris E. Jordan, Michael's sister. Her book, "In My Family's Shadow" she makes some strong accusations about not only Michael but his then wife, Juanita. It was released a few years ago, but for $4.25 used, it makes a good read. Look for it on www.amazon.com. Damn, $4.25!?
BEAT IT! And take your hair with you, you crook!
I am so sick of these corrupt politicians thinking they can do what they want without any repercussions. Rod Blagojevich has made it so bad for himself, he can never hold public office ever again in his life! Good, crush these bad seeds once and for all. Read full story here: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/29/illinois.governor/index.html#cnnSTCText
How did I miss this?
Ain't Nothing Wrong With It
THE TRUTH in BLACK AND WHITE (and everything in between)

Now I pay my taxes into the system just like the next person and I would be the first to say that any teacher in the Houston Independent School District deserves each and every dime they earn and then some. To deal with the personalities, attitudes and behaviors of some of the children in the classrooms these days is really a challenge in itself, not to mention some of the parents. But when I learned that HISD Superintendent, Abe Saavedra earned (or was given) a salary of $314,000.00, I had to so my research to confirm this. What I had read was indeed true. On top of this, the bonus he earned recently, was an additional $77,000.00! Now call me out of touch if you will, but what does a school Superintendent do to earn about about eight (8) times the salary of a first year teacher and almost twice as much as the Mayor of Houston, which happens to be $165, 817.00? I think the taxpaying citizens of Houston should be outraged. How can they afford to do this when Foerster Elementary in SW Houston is so delapidated and worn down, that if I heard any day that it had fallen in, I would not be surprised. I have friends and family members who work in the district and at any time they tell me of how certain schools in certain areas of the district are provided with so little due to budget restraints that it is almost unbelievable. Isn't this the same scenario the now Obama administration is speaking against in corporate America? So why are we turning a deaf ear, because it's local? To show I passionate I am about this issue, A few months back, I wrote a letter to the Mayor's office and did receive a reply however on some issues, but not regarding Foerster Elementary. I think another letter is in order and maybe even a petition. I seems so unfair to these children (mostly minorities) that they should not be given the tools needed to succeed and excel and given a fair chance at a quality education while the people at the top skin and grin all the way to the bank with our tax dollars. It seems like Mr. Saavedra doesn't care about Latino people. Stay posted for updates.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"Hey, that's my song"
Meet Bobbi Fay Spurlock, a.k.a "Tiny B." Mere words cannot convey what you are about to see and I digress on dwelling on it (I'll let you see for yourself). I will say though, you know you getting your party on when, you have a beer in one hand and a cup in the other and the people around you consider your actions normal (LOL).
Sweet Expectations (Update)
All three babies have now made it into the world safely. Their names are, Jordyn Elise LaCour, Meagan Schultz and Rickelmer Castellanos. We are asking God to lead them, guide them and protect them on this journey...the rest, He's leaving up to us people so act like somebody's watching. Y'all wanna see some pictures? 

Guess who's having a girl? Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Tarsha LaCour of Alpharetta, GA. The baby is due in June. They are still trying to decide on a name.
Guess who else is having a girl? Mr & Mrs. Patrick and Jetera Schultz of Houston, TX. Their baby is due in February. Her name will be Meagan.
But guess who is having a boy? Mr. & Mrs. Elmer and Miriam Castellanos of Richmond, TX. Their bundle of joy arrives in May. They haven't yet decided on a name.
We know that God will find favor with them for a blessed delivery and keep His hand on these babies as they enter this world in such an uncertain time. Continue to pray for them. Stay posted for pictures as they clock in (smile).
POEM OF THE DAY - "Pee-ping"
I ventured outside
to take a hot piss
in the cold of a
November evening.
The steam like a witch’s
brew wafted upward
toward my face.
From about five feet away
I noticed the pair of eyes
in the bushes near.
So I quickly put my boy away
and watched the steam rise
from my crotch.
I ventured outside
to take a hot piss
in the cold of a
November evening.
The steam like a witch’s
brew wafted upward
toward my face.
From about five feet away
I noticed the pair of eyes
in the bushes near.
So I quickly put my boy away
and watched the steam rise
from my crotch.
Nancy Grace, Almost Amazing
Mississippi mayor, wife arrested on Katrina fraud charges
You see, this is the reason FEMA didn't gave me no help and I couldn't even get a few food stamps...seriously!
Target- Seeing Red
"You know I luv you right"?
People, don't ever do this to yourselves (but this is real love). Thanks to our reader Dedra for sharing this picture, wherever you got it from. Hummmmmm...............
Clifford Jr!, Stop That!

Oh, help us please! Yo' boy, Mr. Clifford Joseph Harris Jr (aka T.I.), served up a t-shirt that only a groupie could love. Yes, what you see is correct, he rubbed a t-shirt on his family jewels and threw it into an audience of mostly screaming female fans. Now you would think that he would have enough time for this type of *ish when he does that year in the pokey come this March. SMH.
Aretha's Star Don't Shine As Bright As It Did

Do you know what somebody did? They had the nerve to deface Aretha Franklin's star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Some jerk wrote the words, "FUR HAG" on her star. Not because she eats possum or anything but because she continues to show up at "A-list" social affairs wearing those full-lengh fur coats. Those PETA guys also have it in for Sharon Stone and May-Kate & Ashley Olsen, as their little stars have also been ravaged.
(picture courtesy of http://www.perezhilton.com/)
The Winehouse Report

The U.K.'s most infamous addict, Amy Winehouse takes her finger off the self-destruct button for a while and according to her father, is now sober and ready for a comeback. According to her father, Mitch, Amy has been near death twice but they have worked really hard to get her to where she is now.
I have to admit, she is looking better these days and truly wish her all the best.
I Know What Good Is Too!
Among the fried chicken kings, one said hell on the recession, I know what good is...a great bargain. Church's Chicken has managed to hold their own this past year and actually make some profit. See why here: http://www.ajc.com/woodway/content/business/stories/2009/01/09/churchs_chicken_earnings.html
But get your $1 off coupon here: http://deals.streamright.com/web-promotion/zip_entry.php
But get your $1 off coupon here: http://deals.streamright.com/web-promotion/zip_entry.php
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Layoff Daily
Kanye and Krew
(click to enlarge)

POEM OF THE DAY - "Sensitivity"
Sensitivity is a cleansing effect for the heart.
It is the Christ child
that dances in our spirits
and fingers that wipe tears shed.
It is a humble yet regal reward from
one soul to another
for just being human.
Sensitivity is the bread that feeds the hungry
and warms the homeless in a winter wind.
It is hope in the time of sorrow
and shelter in the time of rage.
It is the union of brothers and sisters that have
no knowledge of each other from worlds
Sensitivity is our inner Gandhi and verbal Maya.
It grows in each of us and increases with age
and yet
It is the shy kitten that people of like kind
when they look at us.
It is our true face.
Sensitivity is the holding cell for vulnerability
and the treasure chest for hope.
It is all of everything us,
human, animal, earth, spirit
and God.
Sensitivity is a cleansing effect for the heart.
It is the Christ child
that dances in our spirits
and fingers that wipe tears shed.
It is a humble yet regal reward from
one soul to another
for just being human.
Sensitivity is the bread that feeds the hungry
and warms the homeless in a winter wind.
It is hope in the time of sorrow
and shelter in the time of rage.
It is the union of brothers and sisters that have
no knowledge of each other from worlds
Sensitivity is our inner Gandhi and verbal Maya.
It grows in each of us and increases with age
and yet
It is the shy kitten that people of like kind
when they look at us.
It is our true face.
Sensitivity is the holding cell for vulnerability
and the treasure chest for hope.
It is all of everything us,
human, animal, earth, spirit
and God.
POEM OF THE DAY - "Pee-ping"
I ventured outside
to take a hot piss
in the cold of a
November evening.
The steam like a witch’s
brew wafted upward
toward my face.
Fom about five feet away
I noticed the pair of eyes
in the bushes near.
So I quickly put my boy away
and watched the steam rise
from my crotch.
I ventured outside
to take a hot piss
in the cold of a
November evening.
The steam like a witch’s
brew wafted upward
toward my face.
Fom about five feet away
I noticed the pair of eyes
in the bushes near.
So I quickly put my boy away
and watched the steam rise
from my crotch.
Janet Jackson Cancels Latest Tour

Janet Janet has cancelled her current tour in Japan citing the global financial crisis, (which is a cute way of saying slow ticket sales). The tour organizer, Kyodo Yokohama says that the tour will be rescheduled for later this year (I guess she's not pregnant). I heard the tickets prices were as high as a few hundred dollars Well, no wonder!
The Godmother. Mama Ruled With an Iron Fist

Hey Fellas, you ever dated a woman that was just a bit too aggressive, a little to pushy? The type that had you afraid to tell her "no" on any level? Well I am sure you will enjoy a DVD I recently saw. It is a documentary called, "Cocaine Cowboys II: Hustlin' With the Godmother". It is the story of Griselda Blanco, also known as la Madrina, the Godmother, the Black Widow and the Cocaine Queen of Miami. She was a drug lord and pioneer in the Miami based cocaine drug trade. Blanco was known for her absolute ruthlessness and sociipathic behavior. Let me tell you that I am never one to glorify the lifestyle of a drug kingpen, but this woman's story made Frank Lucas look like a church deacon. Check it out if you're into that type of thing.
Super Bowl XLIII is on this Sunday, Feb 1, 2009 - Kickoff time is 6:28pm EST.
I will be partying at the home my buddy, Timothy Young. I know he is going to do it up right, as he always does. WHAT DO YOU HAVE PLANNED?
I will be partying at the home my buddy, Timothy Young. I know he is going to do it up right, as he always does. WHAT DO YOU HAVE PLANNED?
Now ain't this some*ish!
Would you ignore the President if he waved at you? I think this was pretty harsh. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2009/01/27/pohlman.oh.firefighter.obama.wews
We're All A Little Crazy (I Think)
Have you ever been walking with someone and their attention to you seems a bit distracted and then within a moment that person directs your attention to another person and says, “That guy is really crazy.”? Almost instantly, you start to size the person up to determine what is it about that individual that makes him/ her crazy? Does he walk the neighborhood in his pajamas? Does she wear her wigs backward? Does he talk to his dogs? And what is crazy anyway and who sets the standard for who and what is actually crazy? Basically, in my opinion, I have determined that we are all just a little crazy. I’ll be the first to say that I am. And guess what? That’s a good thing. That means that I am in a category that separates me for a lot of other people. Let me give you few examples; I will only eat mustard on a corn dog, but never, ever on a burger. I cannot get in bed without taking a shower. And I will, under any circumstances drive in the rain with the radio on. I don’t know why, but I will never do it. Those examples are actually just character traits about me and says very little about my mental stability. However, there are a great deal of people that live their lives as though their daily routine, their lifestyle and their train of thought is the norm and that each and every person on earth should be as they are. I have been guilty of this at one point or another in my life, but as I grew into manhood, I began to accept people more, people that were of various ethnic backgrounds, religions and people that didn’t like mustard on their corn dogs. I recall years ago, having a big argument with a friend of mine over a comment that I had made in reference to her daughters bedroom. In my opinion, the comment was fanciful and made without any attempt to slight her attempt to make a welcome living space out of her daughters bedroom. I used the very common phrase, ‘I bet she doesn’t knows how to act”, we’ve all heard that. She turned to me and quickly took offense and responded while looking me right in the eyes, “Yeah, she knows how to act.” I tried to assure her that my statement was made out of an attempt to drive conversation and not meant to be taken negatively, but within minutes an argument ensued. After a while, I felt it best that I just stopped talking and decided to go home. Well, for weeks, we didn’t visit each other and didn’t even speak. It took about a month for her to call me and apologize for the whole situation and of course I accepted the apology but didn’t assume any responsibility for the argument, because she has taken my words out of context. But one thing she said made a world of difference to me, she said, “ You know I’m crazy…we’re all a little crazy sometimes”. I pondered that phrase and how it related to our relationship and realized how true it was. How many times we go through life missing out on good experiences and good people out of fear that we may be socially ridiculed for our interaction with them, that we miss out some of the best times ever. I once heard singer Al Green say in an interview, “That you can’t take life too seriously.” Fewer words have held more weigh with me in determining how I live my life from day to day. You see, in each day of our lives, there are factors and conditions we have absolutely no control over. We deal with these things on life’s terms, not our own, but how we deal with them determines whether we draw from them or they draw us, either up or down. But you see the things we can control are the things that should be taken so lightly, that they should in only such a small way influence our feelings from day to day. Most of us have that attitude anyway, but keep in mind that if so, that your point of view differs from person to person that you encounter from day to day. What makes you right? What makes the person that encounters you right? Your train of thought, his/ her train of thought, which makes us all a little bit crazy. Right? In closing, I may would want to reiterate to you that being a little crazy is very different from mental instability so don’t think that I am saying find someone that is truly CRAZY and allow that person to lead by example. Some people should be feared and given space (LOL). That we as people need to make a more conscious effort of acceptance for those who are not just like us in the ways we think, speak, act and live but most importantly never ever allow our differences to come between us and those we consider friends.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Jessica Simpson puts on a little weight
Just becasue Jessica Simpson has not been working lately, does not mean she has not been eating well. Yeah, she's gained some weight, but who hasn't. Follow the link to Bossip to see: http://bossip.com/78137/some-afternoon-linkage-7/
Blue Monday
If you are from down in the boot (LOUISIANA), today is what we call Blue Monday. Monday's are common for red beans & rice with good old Manda's smoked sausage. When my mother and I had our club, Monday evening happy hour was always a hit. So if by chance you're headed out, please be careful and why not start it right with the Queen of the Blues herself, Miss Koko Taylor. I had the honor of interviewing her myself back in 2005 and believe me, she has a story to tell. She is a Grammy award winner also and has also won more W.C. Handy blues awards that any other blues artist in history! She may not be the girl she used to be, but at 84 years old, she can still put a young girl to shame. ENJOY!
Pep Said She Had to Step!

You may remember Sandy Denton as "Pepa" from the female rap group, Salt & Pepa. Well, she recently released a book entitled, "Let's Talk About Pep". In her book she claims that her former husband, who she calls "Brad" in her book, put his hands on her all kinds of ways, something awful. Now if memory serves me correctly, she was only married once and to whom? Treach of Grammy award winning rap group, Naughty By Nature. Seems like this may make an interesting read for all of the ol' skool hip-hoppers.
POEM OF THE DAY - "I'm In The Mood For Blues"
"I'm In The Mood For Blues"
Don’t jive me ’bout no country
or no heavy rockin’ tunes.
Today I want to cry a little,
I’m in the mood for blues.
Don’t want no pastel jazz
or pop with colored hues.
Today I need some somber soul,
I’m in the mood for blues.
A blue Monday fish fry
with a little gumbo too
and a screamin’ guitar player
to get you feeling blue.
Boy, talk about good times,
no songs touch minds like these.
When you’re singing from your soul
while cryin’ on your knees.
Forget a cab or city bus
I’d walk a hole in my shoes
to get to a good juke joint
where someone’s playin’ blues.
Round ’bout six up in the evening,
ain’t got no time for news.
I just bought me a new funk box
and I’m ’bout to play some blues.
So come on over and sit a while
and pay Mr. Pain your dues.
Don’t jive me ’bout no country
or no heavy rockin’ tunes.
Today I want to cry a little,
I’m in the mood for blues.
Don’t want no pastel jazz
or pop with colored hues.
Today I need some somber soul,
I’m in the mood for blues.
A blue Monday fish fry
with a little gumbo too
and a screamin’ guitar player
to get you feeling blue.
Boy, talk about good times,
no songs touch minds like these.
When you’re singing from your soul
while cryin’ on your knees.
Forget a cab or city bus
I’d walk a hole in my shoes
to get to a good juke joint
where someone’s playin’ blues.
Round ’bout six up in the evening,
ain’t got no time for news.
I just bought me a new funk box
and I’m ’bout to play some blues.
So come on over and sit a while
and pay Mr. Pain your dues.
Porn Business Has More to Worry About Than STD's
Once thought of as a recession proof industry, the porn industry is starting to suffer from the weak economy and I’ve recently read that Larry Flynt, head of the Hustler empire, and Joe Francis, the man behind the “Girls Gone Wild” series, requested a $5 billion bailout from Congress. A bailout!!!??? They were riding high 25 years ago when as a pre-teen, I could’nt even scrape up enough change to buy a Hustler magazine, at the then hefty price of $3.99. I’ll bail you alright, right across your greedy asses. But at any rate, psychologists believe that many men and women turn to the porn industry to lift their spirits or their moods, especially in the times of a financial downturn. I personally found it better when I had a little extra change in my pocket. That way I could afford to buy what I wanted, not what was on the buy one, get one free rack. Free porn on the internet, piracy and P2P file sharing has made a significant dent in the industry that actually shows no sign of a comeback within the near future. Now before you go out and feel sorry for these guys and buy up all the new releases at your local adult video store, know that this is still an industry that has sales exceeding $12.6 billion just this past year. So don’t go thinking that some video chick is at standing in the welfare line trying to give out free autographed copies of her last release in exchange for an increase in her monthly foodstamps. That’s not the case. But here a sidenote: just so you’ll know, none of the girls from the “Girls Gone Wild” video series is paid anyway. Now that’s a shame.
Tracy Morgan has to stop the madness!
Yo boy, Tracy Morgan has made us all privy to some very sensitive information, about a very sensitive issue on a very sensitive part of his body.
The 30-Rock star explains why he has a very painful tattoo of the words “Stove Top” tattooed on his dingaling: “I’m pretty well-endowed. A girl told me to get that because I stuffed her up like a turkey. She said, 'You should call that Stove Top!'”
Is there anything this cat will not say? It is pretty funny to me though.
I know some girl is somewhere reading this and just got real nervous and then all giggly on the inside.

Is there anything this cat will not say? It is pretty funny to me though.
I know some girl is somewhere reading this and just got real nervous and then all giggly on the inside.
Happy Birthday Lazarro
Let me be the very first person to wish my brother, Lazarro Nettles a happy 46th birthday. He may not be the tallest guy in the world, but he is the baddest thing to put his lips to a saxophone mouthpiece. If you haven't heard him play the sax before, consider this his birthday gift from me: http://www.zshare.net/download/546722882ad9e7fe/ (Cut and paste this link into your browser).
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Lord, why is this guy still relevant?
Who's worse, 50 or Diddy? These guys will do anything for attention in times of desperation. I guess it's 50's minute. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1603196/20090121/50_cent.jhtml

I was at home washing dishes this Sunday afternoon when the movie, "St. Louis Blues" came to my mind and while thinking, Eartha Kitt stumbled upon my brain. For some reason or another, I could not remember if she was living or dead. Then, I rememberd that I had read that she had died sometime back in December. I thought of all the awards shows that had been televised recently, but none of them had paid tribute to the legendary icon. And I don't use the term, "legendary icon" loosely. For those of you that may not know, Eartha Kitt played catwoman on the Batman series in the 1960's. While Julie Newmar and Lee Meriwether played catwoman prior to Eartha, in the opinion of many, she owned the role and certainly brought it to a wider television audience. Eartha's offscreen persona was as outspoken as on the silver screen. Born on a cotton plantation of mixed heritage, Eartha had seen her fare share of ups and downs both personally and professionally. She suffered a severe career setback when we was invited to the White House under Lyndon B. Johnson's administration and made the following statement in regards to the Vietnam war, "You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot." That statement caused Mrs. Johnson to burst into tears. While younder audiences may best know Eartha as, Lady Elouise from the movie, "Boomerang", she had been dazzeling audiences since the 1940's and has been immortalized with the song, "Santa Baby". A long list of career accomplishments precede her in film, music, broadway and activism.
So maybe at the Academy Awards will this legend get her just due. or one day I'll have to sit down and give her a good going out post. becasue she had no funeral. This was at her request. To learn more about this fascinating woman, who passed away last December at the age of 81, visit her official website. http://www.earthakitt.com/
POEM OF THE DAY - "Earthsongs"
As some of you may already know, I am working on a second book entitled, "Earthsongs". It is a book of poetry that expresses my feelings about our planet and the extreme punishment we inflict on it as people. Not all of us, just some. 100% of all profits from this book will go to two charitable organizations (haven't decided which two) that raise awareness and consciousness of where we are and what may happen to this planet if we don't change some of our really bad habits. Here is the title poem:
rolling thunder
children laughing in the rain
leaves rustling
a cats meow
a horses gallop in the plain
falling rocks
steaming geysers
an evening whistling wind
if you listen hard enough
you can tell
the earthsongs are coming
to an end
but why I say you ask?
polluted water
mans greed
the need for selfish power
and still yet, no regard
for our earth
in this,
its final hour
Wyld Stylz
rolling thunder
children laughing in the rain
leaves rustling
a cats meow
a horses gallop in the plain
falling rocks
steaming geysers
an evening whistling wind
if you listen hard enough
you can tell
the earthsongs are coming
to an end
but why I say you ask?
polluted water
mans greed
the need for selfish power
and still yet, no regard
for our earth
in this,
its final hour
Wyld Stylz
UNCF An Evening of Stars
Just in case you missed the 30th annual UNCF Evening of Stars event last night, here are some pictures of before and after the event. This year, the college fund honored Patti LaBelle for her humanitarian efforts through the years. Brian McKnight, Yolanda Adams, Jennifer Hudson and many others honored her. If you are thinking that this was Jennifer Hudsons first performance since her mother, brother and nephew were killed, you are mistaken. The taping for the show was done months ago. All the performances were good, but I know everyone has their opinion of who really cut up. Actually Patti clowed through the whole show, but literally turned it out at the end.
Who would you say had the better performance? Honestly, I think Yolanda Adams was a force to be reckoned with. I hope to have some video soon.
BTW, remeber when these telethons would last like a day and a half?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
POEM OF THE DAY - "Genesis Jones"
Genesis Jones
Genesis Jones got married
to the man of her dreams.
In the beginning it was good
or just so it seemed.
Lionel was his name
violence was his game.
Genesis had no clue
that what she was about to do
would be the beginning
of their new universe
when her loving husband
came home and said,
“I’m bout to whip your ass just because I can”.
So he swung and missed
Genesis got pissed
Lionel kissed
Genesis’ clenched fist
and his world began to form:
And on that night, she said, “I am going to whip your ass, just for trying to whip my ass”.
And she did just that.
On the second night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for just letting me, a woman, whip your ass”. And she did just that.
On the third night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for not being able to whip my ass”. And she did just that.
On the fourth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for being stupid enough to stay around the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nights and getting your ass whipped”. And she did just that.
On the fifth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass because I am so tired from whipping your ass for four nights straight. I am a busy woman and have too many other productive things to do”. And she did just that.
On the sixth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass because I am so mad at myself for getting involved with a sorry ass, son of a bitch that would stoop low enough to put his hands on a woman”. And she did just that, right before she threw him out.
On the seventh night, she rested peacefully.
The display of domestic violence is a sorry excuse for the problems that exists within ones self. Brothers and sisters, should come together to stop the violence against our significant others, not only in our homes but in our society as well. The degradation and objectification of the women in our communities has become an epidemic and an overwhelming issue that only we can address and correct. The problem itself is not limited to women either, many men are abused as well, an issue that goes unreported by the hundreds of cases each year. So before the next time you think of sticking around to hope that it won't happen again, know these statistics:
That every 9 seconds, a woman is battered in the U.S.
Each day, 4 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends
Domestic violence is a single major cause of injury to women, more than muggings and car accidents combined.
90% of battered women reported that their children were present when the abuse occurred.
70% of men who batter their partners either sexually or physically abuse their children.
2.9 million men are reported as being abused each year.
60% of battered women are beaten while they are pregnant.
Domestic violence costs $1.4 billion annually in medical expenses.
Now after knowing this, if you can still be with that person, maybe that’s what you like.
Genesis Jones got married
to the man of her dreams.
In the beginning it was good
or just so it seemed.
Lionel was his name
violence was his game.
Genesis had no clue
that what she was about to do
would be the beginning
of their new universe
when her loving husband
came home and said,
“I’m bout to whip your ass just because I can”.
So he swung and missed
Genesis got pissed
Lionel kissed
Genesis’ clenched fist
and his world began to form:
And on that night, she said, “I am going to whip your ass, just for trying to whip my ass”.
And she did just that.
On the second night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for just letting me, a woman, whip your ass”. And she did just that.
On the third night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for not being able to whip my ass”. And she did just that.
On the fourth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for being stupid enough to stay around the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nights and getting your ass whipped”. And she did just that.
On the fifth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass because I am so tired from whipping your ass for four nights straight. I am a busy woman and have too many other productive things to do”. And she did just that.
On the sixth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass because I am so mad at myself for getting involved with a sorry ass, son of a bitch that would stoop low enough to put his hands on a woman”. And she did just that, right before she threw him out.
On the seventh night, she rested peacefully.
The display of domestic violence is a sorry excuse for the problems that exists within ones self. Brothers and sisters, should come together to stop the violence against our significant others, not only in our homes but in our society as well. The degradation and objectification of the women in our communities has become an epidemic and an overwhelming issue that only we can address and correct. The problem itself is not limited to women either, many men are abused as well, an issue that goes unreported by the hundreds of cases each year. So before the next time you think of sticking around to hope that it won't happen again, know these statistics:
That every 9 seconds, a woman is battered in the U.S.
Each day, 4 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends
Domestic violence is a single major cause of injury to women, more than muggings and car accidents combined.
90% of battered women reported that their children were present when the abuse occurred.
70% of men who batter their partners either sexually or physically abuse their children.
2.9 million men are reported as being abused each year.
60% of battered women are beaten while they are pregnant.
Domestic violence costs $1.4 billion annually in medical expenses.
Now after knowing this, if you can still be with that person, maybe that’s what you like.
Friday, January 23, 2009
December 21, 2012
How much do you know about 12/21/2012? I have been reading about this date rather extensively and what events could possibley occur and it scares the hell out of me. For one reason, science and religion agree for once. Well, I know one thing, if it goes down as expected, we better get closer to God.
POEM OF THE DAY - "Mean Green Shoes"
Mean Green Shoes
A poor country girl named Mary
started attending a different school.
A prestigious Ivy League college
where students were considered cool.
Mary walked in quietly to class that day
wearing these mean green shoes.
Club heels and a big bright bow
with some design that looked like 2’s.
Scuff marks around the heels
and a pretty worn out sole.
Some shoe dressing on the top
and the left show had a hole.
She saw an empty chair on the very first row
and calmly took herself a seat.
The professor spotted those mean green shoes and asked,
“What are those doing on your feet”?
He checked himself before she could answer
and told her not to say.
So he bit his lip and chuckled
then just walked away.
Mary wasn’t ashamed or hurt
though she found it rather silly
when the professor changed the way he spoke
in the voice of an old hillbilly.
Now the class thought it was a riot
and laughed at those mean green shoes.
But Mary was a strong woman
and was in no way amused.
So she slammed her hands
down on her desk
and stood up in a flash
took the floor by the professors side
all in one quick dash.
The laughter stopped and jaws dropped
because no one had ever seen
a poor country girl like Mary
demanding respect like a queen.
She said, “Now listen up
and I’ll tell you all
some very shocking news
and just why I came here today
wearing these mean green shoes.
You see I don’t wear them
because I think they’re cute
I wear them because they’re all I’ve got.
They were hand me downs from a rich white man
named, Mr. Lawrence Mitchell Scott.
My mama used to clean his house
and cook for his wife and kids.
She even used to kill their chickens
and feed their filthy pigs.
For thirty years she did all this
and it all came down to one day
when Mr. Lawrence Mitchell Scott and his family
just up and moved away.
Mr. Scott came to me and said,
“Hey gal, you could really use some shoes
so stop looking so mean.
They may not be all that pretty
but they’re fairly nice and clean.
My wife is a doctor now
so she won’t be needing these,
just take them off my hands,
go on, take them please”?
And on that day I made a vow
that my life would forever be
a testament to true hard work
but not social humility.
I took those shoes and put them on
with a simple childish grin.
Saying that I’ll take these shoes
to places they’ve never been.
I’ve taken them to Africa
when I was invited by a king
as a guest at his induction.
I went again just last spring.
I wore them at my graduation
where I was in the top my class.
Oh yea, I strutted in these mean green shoes
with style, grace and sass.
I wore them to a service
as I accepted over six scholarships,
and one now bears my name.
But as I look around I have to ask
can any here say the same?
So go ahead and laugh if you will
laugh until you blow a fuse.
But stop and think for a minute
about these mean green shoes.
Just last week they courted me
across the white house lawn
I had lunch with the president
with these mean green shoes on.
I wasn’t a bit ashamed
but none of you had a clue
that every time I leave my house
I represent each of you.
People alike, God’s children
despite our different views.
But you sit here and have the nerve
to laugh at a pair of shoes.
You see these shoes have carried me
through heat, cold and rain.
From part-time jobs after school
and not once did I complain.
They’ve carried me through life
when times got really rough
but I knew I could accomplish anything
if I wanted it bad enough.
Tired some day and hungry too
but I struggled from dusk to dawn
so I’ve got a collection of calluses
from having these green shoes on.
But mama taught me well
about prayer changing things
and that a closed mouth never gets fed.
And that people that spend time laughing at others
never get ahead.
That success is just a state of mind
and that fate is up to you.
That what goes around comes around
so be careful what you do.
That good guys don’t always finish last
and quitters do sometimes win
but as long as each time you quit
you get up and start again.
That the journey to happiness in necessary
for your soul to thrive
but it doesn’t matter when you get there
just as long as you arrive.
That beauty isn’t always physical
and that self pity isn’t your friend.
That life itself is a precious gift
so live it till the end.
And I knew that one day I’d be somebody
with faith how could I lose?
So one day I’ll buy me some real cute pumps
and rest these mean green shoes.
But until then, they’ll suit me just fine
so I’m sorry I didn’t portray
your upscale style of fashion
when I walked in here today.
But I’ll tell you another thing before I leave
and know that this is true
that one day someone wearing these mean green shoes
may have to carry one of you.
But as the army tells us
to be all that you can be
so in 1 short semester
I’ll have my first degree.
But see my mama said one better
right before she died
and I knew it was the truth
because my mama never lied.
She said that a good life is your reward
but hard work are your dues
and that’s why I keep on
and believing
in these damn mean green shoes”.
A poor country girl named Mary
started attending a different school.
A prestigious Ivy League college
where students were considered cool.
Mary walked in quietly to class that day
wearing these mean green shoes.
Club heels and a big bright bow
with some design that looked like 2’s.
Scuff marks around the heels
and a pretty worn out sole.
Some shoe dressing on the top
and the left show had a hole.
She saw an empty chair on the very first row
and calmly took herself a seat.
The professor spotted those mean green shoes and asked,
“What are those doing on your feet”?
He checked himself before she could answer
and told her not to say.
So he bit his lip and chuckled
then just walked away.
Mary wasn’t ashamed or hurt
though she found it rather silly
when the professor changed the way he spoke
in the voice of an old hillbilly.
Now the class thought it was a riot
and laughed at those mean green shoes.
But Mary was a strong woman
and was in no way amused.
So she slammed her hands
down on her desk
and stood up in a flash
took the floor by the professors side
all in one quick dash.
The laughter stopped and jaws dropped
because no one had ever seen
a poor country girl like Mary
demanding respect like a queen.
She said, “Now listen up
and I’ll tell you all
some very shocking news
and just why I came here today
wearing these mean green shoes.
You see I don’t wear them
because I think they’re cute
I wear them because they’re all I’ve got.
They were hand me downs from a rich white man
named, Mr. Lawrence Mitchell Scott.
My mama used to clean his house
and cook for his wife and kids.
She even used to kill their chickens
and feed their filthy pigs.
For thirty years she did all this
and it all came down to one day
when Mr. Lawrence Mitchell Scott and his family
just up and moved away.
Mr. Scott came to me and said,
“Hey gal, you could really use some shoes
so stop looking so mean.
They may not be all that pretty
but they’re fairly nice and clean.
My wife is a doctor now
so she won’t be needing these,
just take them off my hands,
go on, take them please”?
And on that day I made a vow
that my life would forever be
a testament to true hard work
but not social humility.
I took those shoes and put them on
with a simple childish grin.
Saying that I’ll take these shoes
to places they’ve never been.
I’ve taken them to Africa
when I was invited by a king
as a guest at his induction.
I went again just last spring.
I wore them at my graduation
where I was in the top my class.
Oh yea, I strutted in these mean green shoes
with style, grace and sass.
I wore them to a service
as I accepted over six scholarships,
and one now bears my name.
But as I look around I have to ask
can any here say the same?
So go ahead and laugh if you will
laugh until you blow a fuse.
But stop and think for a minute
about these mean green shoes.
Just last week they courted me
across the white house lawn
I had lunch with the president
with these mean green shoes on.
I wasn’t a bit ashamed
but none of you had a clue
that every time I leave my house
I represent each of you.
People alike, God’s children
despite our different views.
But you sit here and have the nerve
to laugh at a pair of shoes.
You see these shoes have carried me
through heat, cold and rain.
From part-time jobs after school
and not once did I complain.
They’ve carried me through life
when times got really rough
but I knew I could accomplish anything
if I wanted it bad enough.
Tired some day and hungry too
but I struggled from dusk to dawn
so I’ve got a collection of calluses
from having these green shoes on.
But mama taught me well
about prayer changing things
and that a closed mouth never gets fed.
And that people that spend time laughing at others
never get ahead.
That success is just a state of mind
and that fate is up to you.
That what goes around comes around
so be careful what you do.
That good guys don’t always finish last
and quitters do sometimes win
but as long as each time you quit
you get up and start again.
That the journey to happiness in necessary
for your soul to thrive
but it doesn’t matter when you get there
just as long as you arrive.
That beauty isn’t always physical
and that self pity isn’t your friend.
That life itself is a precious gift
so live it till the end.
And I knew that one day I’d be somebody
with faith how could I lose?
So one day I’ll buy me some real cute pumps
and rest these mean green shoes.
But until then, they’ll suit me just fine
so I’m sorry I didn’t portray
your upscale style of fashion
when I walked in here today.
But I’ll tell you another thing before I leave
and know that this is true
that one day someone wearing these mean green shoes
may have to carry one of you.
But as the army tells us
to be all that you can be
so in 1 short semester
I’ll have my first degree.
But see my mama said one better
right before she died
and I knew it was the truth
because my mama never lied.
She said that a good life is your reward
but hard work are your dues
and that’s why I keep on
and believing
in these damn mean green shoes”.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Soft and Wet

In this picture, I can just see my old 87 year old auntee, beckoning Fantasia from across the room to come here. When she gets to her, Fantasia leans down and my auntee whispers in her ear, "Go look in my bafroom and look under dat cabnet and get that Arm & Hamma baking soda and rub a lil' bit under each one of yo' arms, you hear me? And keep yo' arms down...if you sit yo' ass still you won't get to sweatin' like dat."
At the Movies
I am going to pose a question to you that I would like to open for discussion. In your comments, be open and honest, but fair. Why is it that the movie "Notorious" opened with a respectful $23M last weekend while Spike Lee's, "Miracle at St. Anna" has only grossed a measly $7.9M since its release a few months ago. The same can be said for the disappointing numbers from, "Seven Pounds", Tyler Perry's, "A Family That Preys" and a few other movies that cater to African American audiences. I know we've all talked about this together at one point or another but let's do it for the record this time.
I once wrote in a poem a few years back that the greatness of my fathers works should not be judged by the size of his hands, but by the size of his heart. I learned a long time ago that "greatness", like "success" is a state of mind. You are as great and as successful as you feel. The problem is, most people don't see our greatness unless, it is measured often times by our popularity. Take Barack Obama for example, three years ago, he was an Illinois senator, father husband and to most people, considered successful, but few at that time would have called him great. Martin Luther King in the opinion of most, was a great man, as well as Abraham Lincoln, Muhammad Ali and many others. Throughout the years though, many men and women have been idolized, glorified, immortalized and very commonly role-modelized for the great works they have done. While I can never take anything away from the accomplishments, successes and strides these individuals have made to our society and the contributions they have made to mankind, if is so important that we as people, look a little closer home for greatness.
I remember many years ago when scandal rocked the foundation of Christian belief when Rev. Jimmy Swaggart admitted to having a sexual tryst with a prostitute that he had picked up. Again, man years later, the lights blinked twice in the church house when it was brought into the open that Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. had fathered an illegitimate child, with a woman that worked closely with him. I remember how so many people, both black and white were so stunned and disappointed at the actions of these men that we had held in such high regard. (Truth be told, many people were disappointed at Jesse because the child was almost two years old when the scandal broke. I know I was. How could we have missed that?) Honestly, so many people were heartbroken because these men were our leaders, our role models, men of greatness. So here we are, at these moments when these men of greatness have literally let us down, hard. Why? Because we put so much faith in them. Well, most people anyway.
Our new President has prompted us to do our parts to make America the country that it can be. He has urged us to volunteer, change old habits, renew faith in our people and above all else, have hope. Did I hear you say, "Yes We Can"? In addition to those factors, I am so sure that he would agree with me when I say, he is indeed a man of greatness, but there are far many people that live and die without ever knowing their own greatness. President Obama is not infallible, subject to failures and may at some point disappoint us. Because, the fact remains, he is human. He is subject to that. I grew up in a modest household as a child without a father. As like most young boys do, each and everyday of my life, I search for a role model. It wasn't until I reached young adulthood that I realized that she was with me each and every day of my life. The woman that housed half of the city, fed the other half, cleaned house to support her and her children, tirelessly kelp the cleanest house I knew of and still took care of elderly family members because a nursing home was not an option. Now do you think I would have to look outside of my own home for a person of greatness to consider my role model? Hell no! This was the person, I inspired to be more like each and every day of my life. Now while she may have never been Governor, a talk show hostess or even a doctor, in the eyes of the people that knew her, they knew her greatness.
Today, I would ask of us all to look into your own homes, families and circle of friends and find greatness. And while doing so, tell that individual that you think that he/ she is great. We so often forget to tell those around us of their greatness because we are so consumed with honoring those subjects on television, the political arena and the sports field.
I am reminded of a story that I was once told as a child of a woman who had a son. Through the years, she constantly reminded him of how stupid he was and that he would never amount to anything. The son had a knack for painting and would often paint the most unusual portraits of himself and his mother in everyday situations. One day, he painted a picture of his mother in her everyday environment, sitting on the front porch, headrag on, cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other and looking as mean as she could be. Several years later, at an art show, this particular painting garnered over $500.00. His mother overwhelmed, said that since he had used her as his subject, that she should get all of the money and that he was stupid for settling for that little amount anyway. The son obliged since he did not want to anger his aging mother and said that they would go to the bank the next morning and cash the check. The next morning when he woke up he went to his mothers bedside only to find out that she had died in her sleep during the night. Now this story may sound a bit sad, but the uncanny coincidence of it, is that his greatness was prevalent all along but he did not realize it because it was never reinforced. The son now free of the negativity that consumed him moved away to Los Angeles to become of the most prolific artists of his time.
Yes, greatness is a state of mind, but not our own, the minds of those in our lives, how they see us, what they expect of us, how they react to the good that we do. Being in the company of true greatness is an honor above that of celebrity, social status and religious hiarchy. It should be cherished but yet acknowledged to those in our own lives who have touched us on a more personal level and blessed us with their presence. Acknowledge greatness today.
The Letter
The letter wasn’t long at all
simple, plain, precise yet wrong.
On yellow paper no one used
with red ink that seemed to represent
a sentiment of scarlet deceit.
I dropped it at my feet
for it revealed my shame
and brought the rain that was falling
from within my lovers brain.
An avalanche of tears began to fall
one by one I counted them all
a least a million fell
unlike the words that fell from
my lovers lips
while I was thinking all was well.
I was in it not knowing
that all the while
the secrets that we hold, guard and hide
are alive in our subconscious
as demons and friends
bearing a smile
that never ever leaves.
It was there to trick me
into thinking that I was the one
special, loving and true.
That secret held by you,
the one that unleashed a million
foes that fought battle against
my very existence
the reason I thought I wanted to live
like a virus
was now eating away
at my soul
day by day
night by night
cell by cell
just go away
because I would have never thought
that you
would stoop as low
as the belly of a snake
and love another
and betray me just to satisfy
your flesh.
The letter wasn’t long at all
simple, plain, precise yet wrong.
On yellow paper no one used
with red ink that seemed to represent
a sentiment of scarlet deceit.
I dropped it at my feet
for it revealed my shame
and brought the rain that was falling
from within my lovers brain.
An avalanche of tears began to fall
one by one I counted them all
a least a million fell
unlike the words that fell from
my lovers lips
while I was thinking all was well.
I was in it not knowing
that all the while
the secrets that we hold, guard and hide
are alive in our subconscious
as demons and friends
bearing a smile
that never ever leaves.
It was there to trick me
into thinking that I was the one
special, loving and true.
That secret held by you,
the one that unleashed a million
foes that fought battle against
my very existence
the reason I thought I wanted to live
like a virus
was now eating away
at my soul
day by day
night by night
cell by cell
just go away
because I would have never thought
that you
would stoop as low
as the belly of a snake
and love another
and betray me just to satisfy
your flesh.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 21, 2009
Time - 9:25 a.m.
This time yesterday morning,
I was preparing to go to the mall with my mother
to get free cosmetics from a class action lawsuit.
George W. Bush was still president.
Bill collectors still called just to fuck up my day
and my pan sausage was beginning to make its way up my esophagus,
because I hadn’t taken my Zantac.
People were still cleaning after MLK day parades and now preparing for Inaugural balls.
Obama and Michelle looked happy while waving at America.
I worried for not only his life, but his burden
as well as mine.
I waved back at my television.
I said aloud to myself, “I need a new t.v. because some flags I saw
looked pink, beige and green”.
Yeah, I said it to myself. Aloud!
I thought of what Osama Bin Laden could be thinking if he’s still alive
and if Joe Biden felt just a little bit
like a second fiddle.
I thought of how beautiful the day was
and of how many people had died the day before just missing out on a piece of history
and owning a piece of this new found pride.
Did it matter to them?
Did they dream of this day?
I thought of world peace and said a silent prayer then said my usual, “Good morning God”.
But within minutes misplaced my faith.
I thought of fools and their thoughts
greed and lust for power.
Could our country be saved?
I thought of who would be first to be exposed,
their sheeps clothing sheered to the bare naked ass
exposing their attempts to fool the masses.
You know it’s coming.
I thought of what it must feel like to be President of the United States.
That was yesterday…
Today, I feel as one,
together with my fellow man.
I feel American.
I feel like time can’t pass fast enough for me to do my part
to just do something
for someone
so that my life and my story would all not be in vain
and to show that the dream of those that had died the day before
has actually taken life.
Time - 9:30 a.m.
Time - 9:25 a.m.
This time yesterday morning,
I was preparing to go to the mall with my mother
to get free cosmetics from a class action lawsuit.
George W. Bush was still president.
Bill collectors still called just to fuck up my day
and my pan sausage was beginning to make its way up my esophagus,
because I hadn’t taken my Zantac.
People were still cleaning after MLK day parades and now preparing for Inaugural balls.
Obama and Michelle looked happy while waving at America.
I worried for not only his life, but his burden
as well as mine.
I waved back at my television.
I said aloud to myself, “I need a new t.v. because some flags I saw
looked pink, beige and green”.
Yeah, I said it to myself. Aloud!
I thought of what Osama Bin Laden could be thinking if he’s still alive
and if Joe Biden felt just a little bit
like a second fiddle.
I thought of how beautiful the day was
and of how many people had died the day before just missing out on a piece of history
and owning a piece of this new found pride.
Did it matter to them?
Did they dream of this day?
I thought of world peace and said a silent prayer then said my usual, “Good morning God”.
But within minutes misplaced my faith.
I thought of fools and their thoughts
greed and lust for power.
Could our country be saved?
I thought of who would be first to be exposed,
their sheeps clothing sheered to the bare naked ass
exposing their attempts to fool the masses.
You know it’s coming.
I thought of what it must feel like to be President of the United States.
That was yesterday…
Today, I feel as one,
together with my fellow man.
I feel American.
I feel like time can’t pass fast enough for me to do my part
to just do something
for someone
so that my life and my story would all not be in vain
and to show that the dream of those that had died the day before
has actually taken life.
Time - 9:30 a.m.
Welcome to my blogspot. As you may already know I am WYLD STYLZ, published author, poet, singer and just an everyday guy trying to make my life and the lives of others just a bit richer, more fulfilling and at times, tolerable. In this blogspot, I want to focus on us as people, how we can help each other, current events and a bit of celebrity gossip (if that what it takes to get you to continue visiting). In the meantime, let's get to know each other, learn and have some fun. Band...
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