Now I pay my taxes into the system just like the next person and I would be the first to say that any teacher in the Houston Independent School District deserves each and every dime they earn and then some. To deal with the personalities, attitudes and behaviors of some of the children in the classrooms these days is really a challenge in itself, not to mention some of the parents. But when I learned that HISD Superintendent, Abe Saavedra earned (or was given) a salary of $314,000.00, I had to so my research to confirm this. What I had read was indeed true. On top of this, the bonus he earned recently, was an additional $77,000.00! Now call me out of touch if you will, but what does a school Superintendent do to earn about about eight (8) times the salary of a first year teacher and almost twice as much as the Mayor of Houston, which happens to be $165, 817.00? I think the taxpaying citizens of Houston should be outraged. How can they afford to do this when Foerster Elementary in SW Houston is so delapidated and worn down, that if I heard any day that it had fallen in, I would not be surprised. I have friends and family members who work in the district and at any time they tell me of how certain schools in certain areas of the district are provided with so little due to budget restraints that it is almost unbelievable. Isn't this the same scenario the now Obama administration is speaking against in corporate America? So why are we turning a deaf ear, because it's local? To show I passionate I am about this issue, A few months back, I wrote a letter to the Mayor's office and did receive a reply however on some issues, but not regarding Foerster Elementary. I think another letter is in order and maybe even a petition. I seems so unfair to these children (mostly minorities) that they should not be given the tools needed to succeed and excel and given a fair chance at a quality education while the people at the top skin and grin all the way to the bank with our tax dollars. It seems like Mr. Saavedra doesn't care about Latino people. Stay posted for updates.
1 comment:
There are MANY HISD employees that are over paid or simply not earning their paycheck!!!
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