I am sure that by now, ALL of world has seen the video footage of "Britain's Got Talent" contestant Susan Boyle wow the judges and an audience singing, "I Dreamed A Dream". Some people were blown away by her vocal abilities and through that, she has become an overnight sensation. While I don't think that so many people really felt that her vocals were extremely outstanding or unique, I believe that she was thrust into the limelight now because many did not expect a common looking individual to possess an instrument as beautiful as hers. Hence, image is not everything. Again, I was not blown away. To me, she was good, but sounded like any other woman you can hear in a Presbyterian church during Sunday service. Nothing out of the norm. What was out of the norm though, was the fact that in an industry ruled by image, sexuality and youth, a 48 year old woman who looks more like a elementary school secretary can bring an audience to its feet and people to tears. I wish the American music industry and American record buying public would take note of this and judge people for their natural talents and real music as opposed to how much they can sing/ rap about ass, money and drugs and realize that pimping children to record companies really isn't cool. So many young artist today, have little realization of what life is about when dealing with million dollar contracts and many adults who are equivalent to pedophiles when it comes to using them for material gain. I remember as a child, music artists (Marvin Gaye, Aretha Frankiln, etc) were adults who set the standard as artist for the generations to follow. They paved the way with social consciousness, class and professionalism. These days, you can't expect an 18 year old R&B artist to do nothing more than whimper under 2 or 3 pre-laid vocal tracks until he sounds like Michael Jackson and to a chorus that was written 30 years ago anyway, to produce good music! So anyway, it was a good thing that Susan Boyle graced us with the realization that age and image should not be a factor when talent is considered. Hell, this is main reason, I stopped watching, "American Idol" anyway, because there is no reason in hell that Sanjaya Malakar should have hit anybodys stage before me. I'm just saying.
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