Monday, May 4, 2009


I was checking my e-mail on yesterday evening and for some reason I has missed one that I received over a week ago from an avid reader of my blog from Detroit, MI. I always love getting e-mails from readers telling me how much they love the blogs content. He complimented me and said how he enjoyed reading my entries but was a bit taken aback at how I can post certain entries that are of an “inspirational nature” (his words) and on the same day post entries that are “worldly” (his word again). He felt that as a Christian, I was straddling the fence and that he was a bit insulted and that he would suggest that I do it one way or the other. While I do appreciate and welcome constructive criticism, I felt that an attack on my relationship with my Creator was a little on the extreme side, yet I took his suggestions into consideration. Now a few months back, it was brought to my attention that I had swayed away from my original vision for my blog and I certainly apologized for that and since that time have made every effort to include entries that are entertaining, inspirational, enlightening and funny without compromising my personal standards for what I consider right and wrong. However, I will not apologize again! My blog homepage reads, “The Wyld Truth (not that it's always right, it's just how I feel). That’s just how it is. I am human and if I do not have the right to express myself as I feel, without hurting anyone’s feelings, then I am suppressing my emotions for the sake of others. This would mean that others are trying to make me conform to their beliefs and not my own. I was that guy five years ago…not anymore. So I feel compelled to advise, that if you don’t necessarily feel what I write, you always have the option of passing to another entry or another webpage or even better yet, starting a web blog of your own, with my sincere and complete support. I just think that in this uncertain and sometimes cruel world, there is so much more that we can concern ourselves with, other than the opinions of others…and besides, it’s not like I write for USA Today or anything. While it is true, that I am a man of God and will always put Him first in all that I say and do, He has allowed me to realize and understand and embrace my own spiritual and worldly balance. I am a spiritual being on this journey in this world. We are all a part of it, whether we like it or not, we have to deal with it. I am just trying to do my part to help someone make it through this journey and their path a little less strenuous. I want to be a vessel used by God, I want to be a light to help lead the way, I want to be a raindrop in that shower that he allows to fall on some dry soul so that by His grace, we can blossom together and I refuse to let ANYONE take away from what He has given me. In closing, a song comes to mind that I would sing many years ago in the Mt. Zion Spiritual Baptist Church junior choir, the words say, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shiiiiiiiiiiiiine. With that said, K.I.M. (Keep it Moving), I’ll see you at the finish line.


1 comment:

Nickis Mom!~ icki said...

I see you talent and I also see Christ. Stay strong Wyld Truth.