I posted this story on yesterday with high hopes that it was true. Unfortunately not. It was a hoax. Other MJ untruths are:
*Debbie Rowe denied wanting the children.
*Grace Rwaramba having to pump Michael's stomach because he was full of pills.
*Michael's body was beat, bruised and bald as initially reported by the LA Coroner's office.
People will lie about anything these days. I can only imagine what they will say about me when I punch my timecard and clock out for the last time.
It is being rumored that the kid that accused Michael Jackson of molesting him back in 1993, Jordan Chandler, is now recanting his story and saying that Michael was innocent and he only made the accusation because his father, Ivan Chandler told him to. I am not sure if this story is true but through my extensive journalistic investigating (searching the web...LOL), I will get the 411 to you with accuracy.
just let your readers know that we have had so much love for michael all the way over here in the caribbean as well, played his music all day on the friday after his death,just michael's music 24 hours...and he never even came to BARBADOS, be we loveee him just the same......take care my friend...be blessed and i will hear you very soon....TERRY
I knew it!!! This is the first time I have heard this. Keep us posted.
I never thought that Michael molested those boys! He juz liked the innocent spirit of children. He said that he saw God in their faces. Note: As they aged and and became worldier, he would move on. Not that it matters, becuz he loved those children but I always knew that his children were not his biological children. No matter what gene is mixed with the Caucasian jean, the other jean dominates 90 percent of the time. Look at Jon and Kate plus eight. They all copied his genetics. There is nothing present in any of Michaels children that suggest enough African American to convince me otherwise. He may have bleached his skin but he could not bleach his genes. By the way, I am so loving your blog. You are one kewel and interesting dude!
People can be so evil to obtain money that does not belong to them. Please allow the man to die in Peace!!!!
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