It's 10 minutes before the movie starts. I am sitting on the fourth row, after paying an admission price of $9.50, another $11.50 for some nachos and a coke and the theater smells like week old pee, I am thinking to myself, "I should have got this on bootleg." To make matters worse, in walks a group of teenagers, laughing and talking loudly followed by another group. You know the kind that makes their own soundtrack. My now, I am in that, "I need to get my money and get out of here" mode". But then, the movie starts and the first 5 minutes is so disgustingly funny, you can't help but wait to see if Sasha Baron Cohen can outdo himself. The movie is disturbing to say the least, but equally as outrageous. Part scripted, part pranked the movie had me laughing the entire time. Bruno is a gay character that comes to the United States in hopes of becoming a celebrity but uses a madcap stage of anonymous situations to persuade his unsuspecting victims to fall right into his trap of hysterical embarrassment. People like Paula Abdul and former Presidential candidate, Ron Paul. It's a wonder Sasha Baron Cohen was not seriously hurt in some of these scenarios, or worse killed. I won't give the movie away, but I will tell you, it was one of the funniest movies I have seen all year (I know it's just July). Was it worth $9.50? I'd have to say yes and would be willing to watch it again for the laughs, but from the comfort of my own sofa, if you know what I mean (wink). I'd give it a B+ for cutting edge comedy, but would not recommend watching it anyone under the age of 18 or your mother due to its explicit nudity and scenes of graphic sexuality, unless your mother likes that kind of stuff.
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