I got in my vehicle this morning to go to work, you know, my normal routine and started shuffling through some CD's to make my commute to work less stressful and more enjoyable, dance at redlights and maybe even sing some. Now there was no particular CD that I was partial to, so I just pulled one up simply because it was gold in color. Right about that time, I happened to see a former acquaintance leaving home as well. Now, I say former acquaintance because a few months back, we had a falling out of sorts, over some money. Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I posted that I had let that situation go and given it to God? Well, seeing her started my blood to race again and allowed the Devil to creep up on my left shoulder and put ungodly thoughts in my head. I couldn't help but think of how close we were at one time and who else she may have wronged. For about five minutes, I was in a trancelike state and so focused on thinking about all the bad things that needed to happen to her (I'm being honest because God loves the truth) and what I could do to help it along. I was so figured on this, traffic did not exist, school zones were speedways and pedestrians were at the mercy of only themselves. Right about that time, I could hear the phrase, "Let it go" coming in like a wayward animal would sound in the distance. Not as if God was saying it, but it was coming from my speakers! This one song, that was on a CD that I had actually made, that I had NEVER even heard before, was playing. It was the same gold colored CD that I pulled to play, just because it was gold colored. Now, when this caught my attention, I slightly, reluctantly shifted my focus to the song, but more so, to the words. "Let it go", "Give it up to God", "Let Him work it out", these were some of the lyrics that the female vocalist was singing (it was Gospel House music). So I turned the volume up and continued to listen to the words as opposed to just hearing them.
(Now follow me because I am going to prove to you that this was God)
After being ministered to for about 3 minutes, my eyes started to fill with tears because the hurt was evident now, but during this time, my blessed assurance came when I heard the vocalist say, "Look to the Hills from whence cometh your help". Now if you had ever had the distinct pleasure of meeting Mama Elsie, you would know that one thing she would always leave you with, if you were ever feeling low or needing some guidance, she would always tell you to read the 121 Psalm, where it says, to look to the Hills from whence cometh your help (and she would quote you the whole Psalm). So at this point I turned my praise gear on high! I knew right then, at that moment, that I had experienced a "Kairos moment". For those of you who may not know, A Kairos moment is an anointed point in time or a moment of undetermined period of time, in which something special happens. Did I say, He spoke to me? I needed the reassurance that if I had given something to Him, that I needed to do just that, GIVE IT TO HIM! And then I was told that if I ever feel low, or weak, or small, or used, or abused, or battered to look up to the place of refuge and in that place would be all the strength that I needed to put everything back in place. Supplied to me from a never ending source of sustenance. This message was given to me through a song, from a small chain of events that started before I had even opened my mouth to say, "Thank you". But yet still, I am His own and so are we all and even those who may have betrayed us.
yes God is good!
Good Old Mama Elsie, That was so true Psalms 121 every time. I sure miss her saying "Now Mity you need to move on back home by yo mama, we all need to be closer to each otha you know we in the last days." And things like how Alen
(My son Alex) and that other one doing? (My youngest son Colby she could never remember his name. She was getting old then) Ha Ha Ha So many GREAT memories from good old Mama Elsie. You just can't say enough about her. An angel on earth in her day. I Love You
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