Welcome to my blogspot. As you may already know I am WYLD STYLZ, published author, poet, singer and just an everyday guy trying to make my life and the lives of others just a bit richer, more fulfilling and at times, tolerable. In this blogspot, I want to focus on us as people, how we can help each other, current events and a bit of celebrity gossip (if that what it takes to get you to continue visiting). In the meantime, let's get to know each other, learn and have some fun. Band...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Somebody Pull The Plug on These Freaks!
Now see, I was minding my own business, thinking that this would be a normal evening after dinner, surfing the web to find something to peak my interest and I came across this. Now let me tell you, when you watch this, I guarantee that of all the oddities that you've seen on the world wide web, none will beat this. If anyone would have told me that there are actually men in this world that view silicone dolls as love interests and would act as such I would have said, "You been smoking that good stuff way too much." But it's true. So here it is in all it's unabashed glory, the documentary about men that are in love with and have sexual affairs with dolls. Yes dolls, and not the human kind. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/guys-and-dolls/ I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but I mostly laughed.
The curse of....
J-Lo fell while performing last week and now Lady GaGa falls. What is going on? I believe one of these singing female haters put the Louisiana Gris-Gris on these chicks to put a spur in their careers. Let's see who is may be?
#6. Rihanna. It is already rumored she is a devil worshipper and with her disappointing record sales, she has every reason to make someone else look bad so that she can shine.
#5. Janet Jackson. Just becasue. Janet is quiet and sneaky and with her inside connections in the industry, she may be having someone grease the stage. And then, she may want other women to feel same embarassment she felt after the Superbowl incident.
#4. Toni Braxton. Nothing says that your at the top of your game when every other chick is breaking their asses and you are locking lips with a kid half your age...even if you are not at the top of your game.
#3. Madonna. Because I hear that she is hateful and Michael Jackson said so.
#2. Jennifer Husdon. Straight jealousy because we all know, she can sing but she can't dance and these days, you have to do both to sell records.
#1. Adam Lambert. And you know why! Clay Aiken told him to do it because he had done it to make Beyonce' fall a while back. He just took the thing to far and becasue he's angry, he's not finished.
Lord be a brace for Aretha Franklin's ankles and steady her wobbling heels! Keep her feet grounded and her knees planted firmly together so that she will stand and sing in your her own way and not be driven down the Freeway of Love by ambulance...(let me stop)
#6. Rihanna. It is already rumored she is a devil worshipper and with her disappointing record sales, she has every reason to make someone else look bad so that she can shine.
#5. Janet Jackson. Just becasue. Janet is quiet and sneaky and with her inside connections in the industry, she may be having someone grease the stage. And then, she may want other women to feel same embarassment she felt after the Superbowl incident.
#4. Toni Braxton. Nothing says that your at the top of your game when every other chick is breaking their asses and you are locking lips with a kid half your age...even if you are not at the top of your game.
#3. Madonna. Because I hear that she is hateful and Michael Jackson said so.
#2. Jennifer Husdon. Straight jealousy because we all know, she can sing but she can't dance and these days, you have to do both to sell records.
#1. Adam Lambert. And you know why! Clay Aiken told him to do it because he had done it to make Beyonce' fall a while back. He just took the thing to far and becasue he's angry, he's not finished.
Lord be a brace for Aretha Franklin's ankles and steady her wobbling heels! Keep her feet grounded and her knees planted firmly together so that she will stand and sing in your her own way and not be driven down the Freeway of Love by ambulance...(let me stop)
I don't tell this story about this poem often because sometimes it just sounds to much like make believe but here it is. One night while I was asleep, I had a dream that I was reciting a poem and right after I recited it, I woke up and was still reciting the poem to myself. It had to have been about 3:00 a.m. so I jumped out of bed and wrote the poem down. It was the exact last entry to my book. Here it is:
I see wonderful things.
I see marvelous places,
beautiful skies,
beautiful faces.
The visions are played like a film in my head.
Pictures of people,
some living,
some dead.
Pictures of times
some gone,
some to come.
The beginnings for many,
the end for some.
I can always remember the things I’ve seen
the fire,
the snow,
the valley’s green.
The visions are played like a film in my head
A gift from God?
A message to spread?
Fathers crying
and children at play
old people laughing,
the world in dismay.
If only you knew of the things I’ve seen
some visions violent
others serene.
Some of horrendous
wars to be,
some of Sudan
being set free.
Visions of disease
as a thing of the past
or terrorist killing us
in one last blast.
It’s hard to describe the things that I’ve seen
as these visions
play their nightly routine.
Invading my mind
capturing time
was a vision of a world
with no death or crime.
Visions of addicts
giving up dope
and some of preachers
giving up hope.
One vision I love time after time
that reinforcement is brought
to the fibers that bind
and the thread that make up
all of mankind.
Upon closing my eyes at nightI see wonderful things.
I see marvelous places,
beautiful skies,
beautiful faces.
The visions are played like a film in my head.
Pictures of people,
some living,
some dead.
Pictures of times
some gone,
some to come.
The beginnings for many,
the end for some.
I can always remember the things I’ve seen
the fire,
the snow,
the valley’s green.
The visions are played like a film in my head
A gift from God?
A message to spread?
Fathers crying
and children at play
old people laughing,
the world in dismay.
If only you knew of the things I’ve seen
some visions violent
others serene.
Some of horrendous
wars to be,
some of Sudan
being set free.
Visions of disease
as a thing of the past
or terrorist killing us
in one last blast.
It’s hard to describe the things that I’ve seen
as these visions
play their nightly routine.
Invading my mind
capturing time
was a vision of a world
with no death or crime.
Visions of addicts
giving up dope
and some of preachers
giving up hope.
One vision I love time after time
that reinforcement is brought
to the fibers that bind
and the thread that make up
all of mankind.
Welcome Back, Sade Adu

After a very long hiatus, Sade is coming back with a new CD to be released around Valentines day, February 2010. I am sure that after all these years, she needs her coins, so please order it or buy it from a local music store and not bootleg it. (But just in case you get your sticky fingers on a copy before I buy mine...)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Die Monster Die!

Friday, November 13, 2009
Please Don't Buy Condoms From .99 Cent Only Stores!

It is so sad to even wonder why the United States imports certain goods from the Chinese sector. It is evident these people will sell you anything whether it kills you or not.
China, the world’s fourth largest condom market is having a serious issue with counterfeit condoms being sold in the country. The police have made four arrests at the factory which was distributing the illicit condoms. The biggest concern, of course, is the fact that the condoms can generate both pregnancy and diseases if used during intercourse. Authorities say there were bare-chested employees using vegetable oil to lubricate the condoms and putting them into fiber bags without any sterilization inside the central Hunan province based factory.
Since March, the factory has produced over two million condoms labeled as “Jisson, Durex. Rough Rider, Six Sense and Love Card (yes, the ones sold at Dollar Stores).” The police are looking for as many as one million bootleg condoms which have already been distributed.
Since March, the factory has produced over two million condoms labeled as “Jisson, Durex. Rough Rider, Six Sense and Love Card (yes, the ones sold at Dollar Stores).” The police are looking for as many as one million bootleg condoms which have already been distributed.
Finally Some Financial Relief We Can Actually See
Like many people out there, if you’ve been facing bank overdraft fees, the feds could be putting a stop to that real soon. For years, banks have been able to charge customers every time they have an overdraft in their account, but on Thursday, the Federal Reserve released a new rule which prohibits banks from automatically enrolling customers in overdraft protection programs, that charge fees when consumers spend more than they have.
Starting on July 1, 2010, all banks will have to ask their customers to enroll in overdraft protection plans for ATM and most debit card transactions. Some banks are charging their customer up to $39 when customers overdraw their own bank account by even low dollar amounts. With about 75% of banks automatically enrolling customers and charging overdraft fees, this will give bankers some type of consumer protection. Although the new rule will help with debit and ATM transactions, banks will still be allowed to automatically enroll customers in overdraft services for personal checks and automatic transactions such as monthly bill payments.
Starting on July 1, 2010, all banks will have to ask their customers to enroll in overdraft protection plans for ATM and most debit card transactions. Some banks are charging their customer up to $39 when customers overdraw their own bank account by even low dollar amounts. With about 75% of banks automatically enrolling customers and charging overdraft fees, this will give bankers some type of consumer protection. Although the new rule will help with debit and ATM transactions, banks will still be allowed to automatically enroll customers in overdraft services for personal checks and automatic transactions such as monthly bill payments.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I am just curious to know why is it that some churches will serve you crunched up saltines for communion, instead of just giving you a whole cracker? Especially the churches in the country.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What's Going on With Katt Williams?

There are a number of reasons we can find to say why Katt Williams looks like he does on this recent mugshot. i.e., He was in character for a movie role, Sally’s Beauty Supply was closed when he got there, Somebody stole his flat iron, PCJ only comes in mild, etc. But nothing can explain to me the following 911 call from a 17 year old young man saying that Katt was holding him against his will...NOTHING! (SMH while looking through my speed dial to call Pastor Kerney Thomas)
Tina Knowles: Cougar or Jaguar?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Healthcare Reform, Moving Right Along

This past weekend, the House of Representatives narrowly voted to pass their health insurance reform bill. In case you did not know, in over nearly a century, no chamber of Congress has ever before passed comprehensive health reform. This is history. The House voted 220-215 late Saturday, with 39 Democrats opposed (who were they?) and one Republican in favor, to approve what would be the biggest expansion of health care coverage since Medicare was created more than 40 years ago. Now on to the Senate, the bill hasn't even been released yet, but the battle will be far more critical because of the opposition from Senate leaders and insurance companies that are pressing hard push this thing back into history's past. The House vote that lasted less than an hour before midnight Saturday, was not without its fair share of drama. With eight seconds left in the voting period, Democrats began counting down and erupted in roars when Pelosi declared, "The bill is passed" and banged the gavel. Go Nancy!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Dirty Old Man
I am just wondering at what point will agents and directors stop casting women young enough to be Denzel's daughter, to play the role of his wife in his recent movies? The guy is like 54 right? I think the terms and conditions of his contract allows him to choose from actresses he likes (LOL).
Thursday, November 5, 2009
2009 Soul Train Music Awards (I Really Expected Better)

Looks like the Soul Train Music Awards has caught the "Boogooloo Fever" like the Ozone Awards, BET Hip-Hop Awards and all the other awards show that cater to certain people in certain ethnic groups that just happen to perform certain types of music. With that said, blog reports are abound with stories of inappropriateness and stereotypical buffoonery. Slaves to the industry, slaves to the industry. Will we ever learn? Pictures coming soon.
Church Folk Steals $900K Dollars From Its Members
The following story is disturbing enough in itself, but that fact that someone would actually associate themselves, as a member of a church named, "The Soul Factory", let's me know that the Devil is real busy and getting very inventive in his way of using people. -SMH-
Two former churchgoers say they were swindled out of a small fortune by the leaders of the Soul Factory, a large African American church in Prince George’s County — accusations the church denies.
In a lawsuit filed against the church, the married couple, Jose and Yvette Strickland, say they lent nearly $900,000 under a verbal agreement to the Soul Factory so that it could open a satellite church in Atlanta. The church says the money was a gift.
“It was not a loan; it was a donation,” said Timothy Obitts, a lawyer hired by the church. He said the church is in the process of filing a motion to dismiss the lawsuit.
The suit, filed Sept. 30, has surprised members of the Soul Factory, a popular church among young blacks in Forestville. The church is known for its use of hip-hop and pop culture and its contemporary plays, such as “Two Angry People in Love Going Thru Hell.” It draws a few thousand congregants each Sunday.
According to the Stricklands, they began regularly attending the Soul Factory in 2000. In 2005, the church’s founder and pastor, Deron Cloud, began courting Jose Strickland’s financial help, the couple said, by inviting him to Wizards basketball games, on trips to Las Vegas and other activities and introducing him to top church leaders.
In 2006, the Stricklands say, Cloud asked Jose for $1.5 million to help open a satellite church in Atlanta. A few weeks later, Strickland, Cloud and other church leaders discussed financing the Atlanta church while in a private booth at a professional fight in Atlanic City, the couple said.
Months later, according to the lawsuit, Strickland gave the church $886,500, which Jose, a mortgage and Yvette, a real estate agent, said they raised by mortgaging several properties they owned to a private lender.
The Stricklands said that Cloud and the church initially made nine payments to the private lender but stopped making payments in mid-2007. In their lawsuit, the Stricklands allege that the non-payments led to the loss of seven mortgaged properties to foreclosure and $6.8 million in financial losses. Both have filed for bankruptcy.
Obitts, the church’s attorney, declined to go into detail about the lawsuit but said the church did not borrow money from the Stricklands. “This guy’s allegedly a sophisticated businessman,” Obitts said, “and yet he claims everything was done verbally. It doesn’t make sense.”
When asked why they gave the church such a large amount without any written agreement or contract or a structured loan, Jose Strickland said, “It was a trust situation, because they were a church, because we had a relationship”
This is enough to make you lose your religion!
Two former churchgoers say they were swindled out of a small fortune by the leaders of the Soul Factory, a large African American church in Prince George’s County — accusations the church denies.
In a lawsuit filed against the church, the married couple, Jose and Yvette Strickland, say they lent nearly $900,000 under a verbal agreement to the Soul Factory so that it could open a satellite church in Atlanta. The church says the money was a gift.
“It was not a loan; it was a donation,” said Timothy Obitts, a lawyer hired by the church. He said the church is in the process of filing a motion to dismiss the lawsuit.
The suit, filed Sept. 30, has surprised members of the Soul Factory, a popular church among young blacks in Forestville. The church is known for its use of hip-hop and pop culture and its contemporary plays, such as “Two Angry People in Love Going Thru Hell.” It draws a few thousand congregants each Sunday.
According to the Stricklands, they began regularly attending the Soul Factory in 2000. In 2005, the church’s founder and pastor, Deron Cloud, began courting Jose Strickland’s financial help, the couple said, by inviting him to Wizards basketball games, on trips to Las Vegas and other activities and introducing him to top church leaders.
In 2006, the Stricklands say, Cloud asked Jose for $1.5 million to help open a satellite church in Atlanta. A few weeks later, Strickland, Cloud and other church leaders discussed financing the Atlanta church while in a private booth at a professional fight in Atlanic City, the couple said.
Months later, according to the lawsuit, Strickland gave the church $886,500, which Jose, a mortgage and Yvette, a real estate agent, said they raised by mortgaging several properties they owned to a private lender.
The Stricklands said that Cloud and the church initially made nine payments to the private lender but stopped making payments in mid-2007. In their lawsuit, the Stricklands allege that the non-payments led to the loss of seven mortgaged properties to foreclosure and $6.8 million in financial losses. Both have filed for bankruptcy.
Obitts, the church’s attorney, declined to go into detail about the lawsuit but said the church did not borrow money from the Stricklands. “This guy’s allegedly a sophisticated businessman,” Obitts said, “and yet he claims everything was done verbally. It doesn’t make sense.”
When asked why they gave the church such a large amount without any written agreement or contract or a structured loan, Jose Strickland said, “It was a trust situation, because they were a church, because we had a relationship”
This is enough to make you lose your religion!
POEM OF THE DAY - "Genesis Jones"
Genesis Jones
Genesis Jones got married
to the man of her dreams.
In the beginning it as good
or just so it seemed.
Lionel was his name
violence was his game.
Genesis had no clue
that what she was about to do
would be the beginning
of their new universe
when her new husband
came home and said,
“I’m bout to whip your ass just because I can”.
So he swung and missed.
Genesis got pissed.
Lionel kissed
Genesis’ clenched fist
and his world began to form:
And on that night, she said, “I am going to whip your ass just for trying to whip my ass”. And she did just that.
On the second night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for just letting me, a woman, whip your ass”. And she did just that.
On the third night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for not being able to whip my ass”. And she did just that.
On the fourth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for being stupid enough to stay around the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nights and getting your ass whipped”. And she did just that.
On the fifth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass because I am so tired from whipping your ass for four nights straight. I am a woman and have too many other things to do”. And she did just that.
On the sixth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass because I am so mad at myself for getting involved with a sorry ass, son of a bitch that would stoop low enough to put his hands on a woman”. And she did just that, right before she threw him out.
On the seventh night, she rested peacefully.
The display of domestic violence is a sorry excuse for the problems that exists within ones self. Brothers let’s come together to stop violence against women not only in our homes but in our society as well. The degradation and objectification of women in our communities has become an epidemic and an overwhelming issue that only we can address and correct. So before the next time you think of putting your hands on a woman, know this:
That every 9 seconds, a woman is battered in the U.S.
Each day, 4 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends
Domestic violence is a single major cause of injury to women, more than muggings and car accidents combined.
90% of battered women reported that their children were present when the abuse occurred.
70% of men who batter their partners either sexually or physically abuse their children.
60% of battered women are beaten while they are pregnant.
Domestic violence costs $1.4 billion annually in medical expenses.
Now if you can still be with him, maybe that’s what you like.
Genesis Jones got married
to the man of her dreams.
In the beginning it as good
or just so it seemed.
Lionel was his name
violence was his game.
Genesis had no clue
that what she was about to do
would be the beginning
of their new universe
when her new husband
came home and said,
“I’m bout to whip your ass just because I can”.
So he swung and missed.
Genesis got pissed.
Lionel kissed
Genesis’ clenched fist
and his world began to form:
And on that night, she said, “I am going to whip your ass just for trying to whip my ass”. And she did just that.
On the second night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for just letting me, a woman, whip your ass”. And she did just that.
On the third night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for not being able to whip my ass”. And she did just that.
On the fourth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass for being stupid enough to stay around the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nights and getting your ass whipped”. And she did just that.
On the fifth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass because I am so tired from whipping your ass for four nights straight. I am a woman and have too many other things to do”. And she did just that.
On the sixth night, she said, “Now I am going to whip your ass because I am so mad at myself for getting involved with a sorry ass, son of a bitch that would stoop low enough to put his hands on a woman”. And she did just that, right before she threw him out.
On the seventh night, she rested peacefully.
The display of domestic violence is a sorry excuse for the problems that exists within ones self. Brothers let’s come together to stop violence against women not only in our homes but in our society as well. The degradation and objectification of women in our communities has become an epidemic and an overwhelming issue that only we can address and correct. So before the next time you think of putting your hands on a woman, know this:
That every 9 seconds, a woman is battered in the U.S.
Each day, 4 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends
Domestic violence is a single major cause of injury to women, more than muggings and car accidents combined.
90% of battered women reported that their children were present when the abuse occurred.
70% of men who batter their partners either sexually or physically abuse their children.
60% of battered women are beaten while they are pregnant.
Domestic violence costs $1.4 billion annually in medical expenses.
Now if you can still be with him, maybe that’s what you like.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Michael Jackson’s, “This Is It”, really is “It”!
Greatness in itself, only comes along ever so often. When that greatness comes in the form of the legendary musical perfectionist known as Michael Jackson, the anticipation mounts with each second up until the moment you reach its helm. This past weekend I was fortunate enough to go to the movies to see, Michael Jackson’s final concert documentary, “This Is It”. I went into this adventure with skepticism because of the rumors surrounding the movie. Rumors like; a double was used, it wasn’t very good, MJ looked weak, etc. People let me tell you, for almost two hours, I set mesmerized, hypnotized and mystified as a 50 year old Pop legend, danced, sang and commanded the stage during every performance in the movie, in the company of dancers well under half his age. Shot in a combination of scenes from various rehearsals, Michael delivered the magic that he did during the height of his stellar career, without missing a single beat. With the exception of struggling through some of the old classic Jackson 5 songs, vocally, Michael delivered with perfection, every note that we hear on some of his most popular albums like “Off The Wall” and the history making “Thriller”. The movie opens with footage of some of the concerts background dancers and singers telling how Michael had influenced them and how fortune they were to be able to perform with Michael on what would have been his final concert tour of his career. Shortly therafter, Michael, looking strong, svelte and very much in control both emotionally and artistically explodes on stage with his hit, “Jam” like a General in control of his Army. The choreography is on point, the lighting and pyrotechnics are queued so that with each turn or beat of a drum something announces that Michael is back with a vengeance. The excitement to me was reminiscent of the day I rushed home from school to see the world premiere of Michael’s industry changing music video for the song, “Thriller”. This tribute was befitting of the King of Pop and rightfully so because on every song, you thought to yourself with mental awe, where and what you were doing when you first heard that song. However, never to remove yourself from the essence of the movie one can only wonder, what it may have been like to take part in such a historical celebration. Although the ill-fated tour never materialized, Michael left us with something that we can all truly say to each other, that he was indeed back! When watching the movie, you are engaged in a supernatural experience that in an instant you already know that those that were not even born when Michael reigned supreme, can now live the breathtaking excitement that those of us over 40 years old, did 25 years ago. The man… sheer talent, the movie…sheer brilliance…the legacy, endless. A must see. Long live the King of Pop.
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