You know there is not really a whole lot of things that just get to me, because there is so much going on in this world, but I am having a really hard time dealing with the kidnapping, sexual abuse and murder of 5 year old Shaniya Davis at the hands of the scum to the right known as Mario Andrette Mcneill. I probably would not have made a post about this until I saw this photo taken shortly after he had been booked by the Fayetteville Police Department . My question is, "What in the fuck do you have to smile about?!" You want to smile? Smile when prison correctional officers lock the doors to your prison cell and tie you down, pull your teeth with pliers and piss in your face. Smile when 5 burly, muscle bound, bull hung inmates make you take back the pain you inflicted on a 5 year old child and then pass your homemade womb around like a hot dish at dinnertime. Smile when three drugs march through your bloodstream like soldier cannibals carrying a banner reading, "cruel and unusual punishment" while squeezing your worthless, cold heart like a slime ridden stressball . And please smile when you meet your maker because only He can save you from a torment greater than that you would ever be able to impose on a helpless, innocent child. My prayer today is that through the power of the internet, this demon would be so privy to read this blog posting and see just how asinine he really looks and in some way, feel accountable for his actions. I'm out.
Deep! Way to deep!
OMG! I am just hearing about this. Where have I been? This is horrible.
I always love reading your commentary WYLD STYLZ and have always respected your opinions but what does putting this man to death do?
It rids the world of one less monster...
The bible says live by the sword die by the what? Sword!!! He inflicted pain on a child who could not defend herself at all!! So he will have the same just done to him!!! By the way did you know that when they found her she was covered in poop!! As a health care provider would you like me to tell you the two reasons why that happened, or do you already know?!!! Well if you don't let me tell you why. One either he was abusing her so ruff that she lost all control of her means to hold her poo and deficated on her self, or the other was he had anal sex with her as well. So thats why this bastard should be killed!!! It's not wishing dealth on him. The bible says live by the sword die by the sword. Not Me. and he has the nerve to smerk. OMG!!! And being that I myself was a victum of sexual abuse I have no place for forgivness in my heart for him. He has nothing but the devil all in his spirit anytime he can still be smerking. Like it was said by the writer of this blog, when he goes to jail, and men inflict the same on him, he will be sorry then. Oh and believe me he will have many of those days before they kill him, or he kills himself. He is a coward. Like the father said. the only good thing out of this whole thing is that she is with God now. No pain, no pain, no pin. She is dancing now.
Whew! Anonymous really went off and I agree with you. Sorry to hear that happened to you. God Bless and keep you.
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