Did you know that Hallelujah is the greatest form of praise to God? Did you know that the word Hallelujah occurring in Psalms is a Hebrew request for a congregation to join in praise? It can be translated as "Praise Yah, you people", and is usually worded in English contexts as "Praise ye the Lord" or "Praise the Lord". This is not a direct translation, as Yah represents the first two letters of YHWH, the Hebrew personal name for God, and not the title "lord". Did you know that in the Hebrew Bible, Hallelujah is actually a two-word phrase, not one word? Hallelu: joyous praise, to boast in God, or to act madly or foolishly (Hebrew translation) and Yah: God (Hebrew translation). Now you know.
Become amassed with power
overwhelmed by the thought of freedom
inhaling the good
as the light surrounds you
then leads you to higher ground.
There you will find your new self
stronger, richer, wiser
and worthy.
Sup at the table of abundance
and enjoy with sanction
from the spirit of generosity
and then give without limits
humbly, wholly and
Allow love to live
self to die
and acceptance to thrive
in your character that precedes
who you are
for people unguided,
misguided and disguised.
Raise your hands in praise,
close your eyes
and turn your head
to the bitter days when you
fed the mouth of the adversary
that tried to imprison
the person that you’ve become.
There are greater works yet undone.
You know who this is don't you? This is your sister. I want you to know I love you with all my being.
Seconly, someone stole my copy of your first book.
And last but not least I want to ask a favor of you, and make a coment.
Comment: You're an amazing, and spirit filled writer. You have always managed to touch parts of my spirit that have never been tapped into each time I read something new of yours. I say this is one of the reasons I go to your blog avery day to see whats new. But really I go here to rejoyce, and to be encoraged each day. Your words, thought, and feeling give me hope, as well as motivate me to be the best me I can be. I just want you to know that.
Now for my request: No I don't need NOTHING!!! LOL Well yes I do. I would love your next book to be in a hard cover, and longer. The first book I read in one day. I just would not put it down. You have far to much talent to limit what you should and should not put in a smaller book. Do a Dr. Phil, T.D. Jakes size book!!! I have read books from both of them, and I took the meat, left the bones. However you have done far more for my life than either of them ever could threw reading your world. So who says because of who they are they have the right to be the best sellers. Don't get me wrong I enjoy reading their stuff,I even learned a thing or two. But God gave you talent just like he gave them talent. It's time to go for the gusto!!! Don't sell your self short. And last but not least I Love You More Than Words Could Ever Express. From Your Sister, Mickey
My friend. You have so much talent. So many options are open to you. As I was reading Hallelujah, I could only invision myself, (after stopping at three stores in the rain) standing in the middle of Halmark reading a Maya Angelou card saying this is it. This is what I wanted to say, but could not find the words. I suggest checking into the market as Maya for some reason has seemed to have pulled out. I and others need that void filled. Consider taking the tourch!
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