Monday, June 1, 2009


The media is all a buzz about the following video. In the video, Sasha Baron Cohen (Borat, Ali-G) makes his entrance as gay guru, "Bruno" at the recent MTV music awards. He makes his entrance via wires suspended from the ceiling and in mid flight experiences some problems and asks to be lowered. However, he is lowered right in the lap of Eminem. Now here's the the weird part; he lands right in Eminem's lap head first which puts his business (booty, etc) all in Eminem's face. Visibly upset, Eminem leaves the theater with his entourage.

That guy is a character and took a real serious chance on this gig because Eminem is supposedly homophobic. The video is being taken down left and right but you can see it right here (LOL):

I bet he would not have done that to Pitbull. He laid a guy out at his concert last week.


Anonymous said...

Yuck! I would have beat that dude.

Mzwebfan said...

I heard that this was planned and Em knew about it.