There are a number of reasons we can find to say why Katt Williams looks like he does on this recent mugshot. i.e., He was in character for a movie role, Sally’s Beauty Supply was closed when he got there, Somebody stole his flat iron, PCJ only comes in mild, etc. But nothing can explain to me the following 911 call from a 17 year old young man saying that Katt was holding him against his will...NOTHING! (SMH while looking through my speed dial to call Pastor Kerney Thomas)
Katt fallin off bad dawg!
Does anyone know who the kid was? Maybe his nephew or at least i hope. Kerney Thomas...LOL
Not Pastor Kerney Thomas!
Come on Yall!!! Yall know Katt had smoked some Crack, and that was Katt that made that call. He was tripin!! Off them vapors he was talking about in his stand up. He got to dammmmm High and started trippin!!! Thats why you haven't herd anything in the news about it. Well I haven't, and you know how they want to make us black people looks as evil and as subhuman as possible. So if Katt has a young boy in his home against his will!!!!, you know that would be all over the news like Martin Lawrence on a hot day LOL LOL Halla. Love Ya Bro
I disagree. That was a kid in that house. Police reports confirm this.
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