Monday, April 12, 2010

Rihanna is the Devil!!!

This is an example of what can go terribly wrong in a household with an absentee father and when mommy gives you complete control of the "last room in the back" of the single-wide trailer without responsibly checking in on you every once in a while. If the fact that he has not had a haircut in weeks was not enough, the black leggings puts the nuts on the Sonic Blast! I am not blaming him, I am blaming Rihanna because it's her song (looking at you with my "NOW WHAT" face as I bring my beer back to my lips)!

"While you back there with all that devilish noise, you need to clean up that nasty ass room...that's a crying shame" -Mama Elsie (circa 1983)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bro.....Now if you gonna speak for good old Mama Elsie you gots to do it right. (While you makin all that debbish noise) Any ways LMAO!!! And is he even saying the right words?, and what was that lil "Whooo" close to the end that wasn't in the song, He needs a good old ass woppin!! No not for being a gender bender because he will be, or is, but because that room more than likely smells like rats ass from the looks of it, and not putting a afro pick to them naps before he puts his ass all on line!!! Boy black folk can sure act a foool can't they? lol lol lol