Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Question Behind the BP Oil Spill

With 2009 profits (that's right, profits), exceeding $16 billion dollars, you would think that BP could afford to write checks left and right to the people whose livelihoods depend on a viable environment along the Gulf coast, but they're not.  I hear that getting some compensation from these people is like pulling teeth.  Now what really puzzles me is the fact that gas prices have been on a steady decline for the past couple of weeks.  I am not certain how this plays in the whole oil spill scenario, but consumers had better beware.  I have always known that oil prices determine gas prices and those prices are based on supply and demand.  (to be continued)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The World vs. The Girl in The Front Row

With the one year anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson approaching, the tributes have begun.  The latest tribute, broadcast on Russian television, features LaToya having a striking resemblance to Simba from the Lion King.  In my opinion, her portion of the performance was downplayed because we all know, LaToya can really, "Get it".  Overall, the tribute was twice as good as the one from the Grammy's earlier this year, but the girl in the audience at the 2:55 mark took the show.  The look on her face was like, "I am not buying this for one second".

Check it out:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Eloquent and Ever so Lovely, Khia (Thug Misses)

While the rest of the rest of the world is clapping and singing showtunes with the cast of Fox's hit show, "GLEE", the ratings over at ABC must be dropping faster than Kendra Wilkinson's panties, because they invited the Thug Misses herself, Khia to stop by the studios for an interview. Now I am not a big Khia fan, but I must say that she handled herself fairly well when Tanya Rivero made attempts to make Khia look bad and even fuel rumors of beef between she and Janet Jackson. Her intelligence did surprise me. But my question is, why is it that like many other performers and comedians, certain audiences (and we know who they are) get the buffoonery and broken grammar while other audiences get the opposite? You pop the top, watch and tell me:

Forever Young?

Damn what they sell late night on QVC, I want some of what this cat is using and will up my entire next paycheck to get it. How is it that a man 52 years old, can look like like a 15 year old dolled up for her QuinceƱera? I am soooooo jealous even if he look like he should be a character on the next "Pirates of the Caribbean" installment.

BTW Prince, Anita Baker wants her old wig back.

Hey Y'all!

Okay, okay. I know it's been a while, but so much has been going on in the world lately. I don't even know where to start; the BP oil spill, Gary Coleman's wife and her slickery, or the fact that if you are gay in Uganda right now, you better get in the closet, stay in the closet, lock it, bolt it, boobie trap it and use Queen Latifah as a a security guard to beat down any trespassers.  Click here to see exactly what I'm talking about (not the the fainthearted):

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We Really Need to Know This, People!

(Article from the Washington Post)

Talks continue as GOP senators block advance of financial overhaul bill

By Brady Dennis and Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 27, 2010; A01

Republicans voted unanimously Monday to block an effort to overhaul financial regulations from reaching the Senate floor, pledging to hold out for significant changes to the bill even as they acknowledged the political risk of appearing to obstruct a popular cause.

The 57 to 41 vote in favor of beginning debate, short of the 60 needed, was expected, although Democrats did suffer an unanticipated defection when Sen. Ben Nelson (Neb.) joined Republicans as a no. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) was prepared to call further votes Tuesday, Wednesday and beyond.

"We need to keep the pressure on to get a deal as quickly as possible," Reid spokesman Jim Manley said.

About two-thirds of Americans supported stricter regulations on the way banks and other financial institutions conduct their business, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. Majorities also backed two main components of pending Senate bill: greater federal oversight of consumer loans, and a proposed fund paid for by the financial industry that would go toward dismantling failed firms that put the broader economy at risk.

Given the public support for tougher Wall Street rules, the unanimity that Republicans demonstrated Monday may not endure. GOP negotiators said their goal remains a final bill that includes enough changes that it can win broad support from both parties. But Democrats are looking to limit their concessions and say they will probably win a few conversions among Republicans who have expressed support for the overwhelming majority of the bill in its current form.

Democrats say they believe about half a dozen GOP lawmakers are open to switching their votes. They include Sens. Olympia J. Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, Sen. Scott Brown (Mass.), and Sen. Charles E. Grassley (Iowa).

Grassley, a conservative who is up for reelection in November, surprised colleagues recently in voting to support strict new rules for derivatives, one of the most complex but fundamental parts of the legislation.

The 1,400-page bill would also create an agency to protect consumers against abusive lending practices, establish a council of regulators to monitor potential risks to the financial system, and give the government authority to shut down large, failing firms before they collapse.

Snowe has outlined two main concerns about the current version of the bill, including a proposed $50 billion fund to be used in liquidating distressed financial firms and restrictions on community banks that engage in certain types of small-business lending.

"There are some concerns about the legislation, and I want to make sure they're addressed," Snowe said. But she added: "We're not going to have unanimous support for this legislation."

Brown said he voted "no" Monday to allow the Senate banking committee's chairman, Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), and the panel's ranking Republican, Sen. Richard C. Shelby (Ala.), more time to rewrite several major provisions. "People want this area addressed," Brown said. "They don't want to have problems like they had before, including me."

But even as Reid pledged to hold vote after vote, some Democrats warned privately that the strategy could backfire if he appears to be short-circuiting negotiations. Snowe and Brown, along with other GOP lawmakers, complained that the Monday vote was premature.

"It's clear that they're trying to score political points," Brown told reporters after the vote.

Nelson said he had opposed starting debate on the bill because he objected to consumer-protection provisions that could harm "Main Street businesses" back home, including dentists, whose patients often borrow to finance major procedures that their insurance policies don't cover, and auto dealers.

But after talking with Nelson, Dodd said, "Dentists and auto dealers did not come up."

Instead, Dodd said, Nelson had spoken with him about making a change to the derivatives portion of the bill. Nelson favored including a provision that would exempt owners of existing derivatives contracts from having to post additional collateral, as required in the legislation.

This requirement could force companies that use derivatives to set aside large sums of money to cover possible losses, and these set-asides could eat into profits by depriving the firms of resources they could use in another way. Critics of the requirement say firms should not have to redo existing contracts.

Dodd said he was not willing to insert the exemption Nelson wants in his bill.

In the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, respondents were evenly split on President Obama's handling of financial regulation, with 48 percent of those polled approving of his performance and 48 percent disapproving.

But compared with congressional Republicans, Obama has a clear advantage. A slim majority -- 52 percent -- of Americans said they trust Obama over the GOP on the issue; 35 percent favored congressional Republicans. Independents preferred Obama by 47 to 35 percent, with 16 percent trusting neither side on the issue.

Dodd and Shelby have said in recent days that they are on the cusp of a bipartisan agreement, and they have expressed optimism that further negotiations will end with consensus.

Shelby aides said Monday that although the two men have continued to talk by phone and meet periodically, their staff members have not met to hammer out specifics for more than a week.

"We need to be in a room, at the staff level, nailing down the language, and that's not happening," one Shelby staff member said. "They stopped talking to us."

To illustrate the work that remains, the aide said that if Dodd and Shelby "met today and resolved every issue, it would still take us days to get it all together."

Shelby aides repeated previous criticisms of the Democratic legislation and said Republicans probably would introduce their own version of the bill.

"We have been drafting an alternative approach since the very beginning," said one staff member, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the situation more frankly. "It may come to the point where Republicans decide, 'Let's just put out specifically what we're for.' That decision hasn't been made yet."

Aides declined to talk in depth about how a Republican alternative bill would differ from the legislation sponsored by Dodd. But they said it almost certainly would include language to overhaul the government-sponsored entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Staff members on the Senate banking and agriculture committees huddled through the weekend with Obama administration officials to merge competing measures aimed at reining in the $600 trillion derivatives market. Derivatives are private contracts that allow traders to bet on the direction of the prices of stocks, commodities and other assets. Many companies also use such deals to lock in prices for goods, such as oil, which often fluctuate in value.

Dodd and Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), who chair the respective committees, said late Monday that an agreement had been reached. Key provisions put forth by Lincoln's committee remained largely intact, including a measure that could force big Wall Street banks to spin off their derivatives operations.

The bill also aims to increase transparency by requiring nearly all derivative contracts be traded in public on exchanges and approved by a separate body called a clearinghouse. In addition, the measure imposes a "fiduciary duty" on dealers, like the one required of investment advisers, to look out for the best interests of clients such as municipalities and pension retirement funds.

The legislation provides exemptions for commercial businesses and manufacturers that use derivatives to hedge risk, such as an airline seeking certainty on fuel prices. But Dodd and Lincoln said the bill gives regulators the authority to close loopholes so financial firms cannot claim exemptions. The two senators said the measure also gives regulators "broad enforcement authority" to punish bad actors.

In the latest poll, support for federal regulations of derivatives draws an even split, with 43 percent supporting federal regulation of the derivatives market and 41 percent opposing. Nearly one in five -- 17 percent -- express no opinion on the complicated topic.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

POEM OF THE DAY - "Even in the Rain"

(This is especially for you. Enjoy!)

Even in the Rain

I drove past a man one day

who was dancing in the rain.

The first thought that occurred to me

was that this brother was insane.

I thought I heard him holler “thank you”

so I drove closer just to hear it.

Man, this brother was getting his praise on

by dancing in the spirit.

So I parked my truck along the curb

and started getting mine.

We danced and sang and gave God the praise

until the sun began to shine.

I learned that day that in victory

and even through the pain,

give God the glory and the praise

yes, even in the rain.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Rihanna is the Devil!!!

This is an example of what can go terribly wrong in a household with an absentee father and when mommy gives you complete control of the "last room in the back" of the single-wide trailer without responsibly checking in on you every once in a while. If the fact that he has not had a haircut in weeks was not enough, the black leggings puts the nuts on the Sonic Blast! I am not blaming him, I am blaming Rihanna because it's her song (looking at you with my "NOW WHAT" face as I bring my beer back to my lips)!

"While you back there with all that devilish noise, you need to clean up that nasty ass room...that's a crying shame" -Mama Elsie (circa 1983)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Window Seat" Erykah Badu (Update)

She had been charged with disorderly conduct and may have to pay a $500 fine. That's it? So I can walk the streets butt-naked and just pay a $500 fine? I have always wanted to do that...

I just watched the video for Erykah Badu's latest single, "Window Seat" and am puzzled. I am not sure to call it art or disrespect. You tell me:
And on top of that, was it the smartest thing to do since the Dallas Police Department is looking into pressing charges?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Question of the day

Why do crazy people ALWAYS look just like, CRAZY PEOPLE?

These so-called Christians in the Hutaree militia group plotted to take out a law enforcement officer, then launch a surprise attack on the officers of the law who gathered at the “bait’s” funeral using weapons of mass destruction. Look under the hood for the sickening details.

Six Michigan residents, two Ohio residents and an Indiana resident have been indicted on charges of attempted use of weapons of mass destruction in connection with their membership in a Lenawee County Christian militia group.

Members of the Hutaree — including a Michigan couple and their two sons — conspired to oppose by force the authority of the U.S. government, according to a release by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit.

The indictment unsealed in U.S. District Court today claims that the Hutaree planned to kill an unidentified member of local law enforcement and then attack the law enforcement officers who gather in Michigan for the funeral. According to the plan, the Hutaree would attack law enforcement vehicles during the funeral procession with improvised explosive devices rigged with projectiles, which constitute weapons of mass destruction, according to the announcement by U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade.

“Because the Hutaree had planned a covert reconnaissance operation for April which had the potential of placing an unsuspecting member of the public at risk, the safety of the public and of the law enforcement community demanded intervention at this time,” McQuade said in the announcement. “Hutaree members view local, state, and federal law enforcement as the ‘brotherhood,’ their enemy, and have been preparing to engage them in armed conflict.”

Alleged Hutaree members indicted are David Brian Stone, 45; his wife, Tina Stone, 44; his son, Joshua Matthew Stone, 21, of Clayton, Mich.; and his other son, David Brian Stone Jr., 19, of Adrian; Joshua Clough, 28, of Blissfield; Michael Meeks, 40 of Manchester; Thomas Piatek, 46, of Whiting, Ind.; Kristopher Sickles, 27, of Sandusky, Ohio, and Jacob Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio.

Joshua Stone is the only alleged Hutaree not in custody. Anyone with information about Stone should contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation at 313- 965-2323.

Seven of the nine militia members appeared today in U.S. District Court in Detroit and were ordered held without bond until hearings later this week.

U.S. District Magistrate Judge Donald Scheer set 1 p.m. Wednesday bond hearings for the seven defendants in court this morning.

Each is charged with seditious conspiracy, attempted use of weapons of mass destruction, teaching the use of explosive materials, and possessing a firearm during a crime of violence. They face up to life in prison if convicted.

David Brian Stone, 45, the alleged leader of the group, appeared in U.S. District Court today and was ordered held without bail pending a Wednesday bond hearing.

Stone’s ex-wife, Donna Stone, 44, of Adrian, said David Stone’s growing fascination with the Hutaree group caused her to leave the marriage.

She said he went from teaching people how to use handguns to talking about the end of the world.

“It started out as a Christian thing,” Donna Stone said. “You go to church. You pray. You take care of your family. I think David started to take it a little too far. He dragged a lot of people with him. When he got carried away, when he went from handguns to big guns, I was done.”

“I just couldn’t go along with what he believed in,” Donna Stone said.

She said her biological son David Brian Stone Jr., who is David Sr.’s adopted son, was brainwashed by David Sr.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


You gotta admit, Beyonce's nephew does look like the guy from "Mad Magazine".

Tuesday, March 23, 2010



What's Going on Here?

Don't get me wrong, I do love Madonna (always have) and I take my hat off to a chick over 50 that can hold her own. But if this is what a Material Girl looks like, I have to ask, "Is she made from Burlap?" Even photoshop couldn't save her on this one. If I tell you, she looks like a 75 year old run down hooker, that was killed by a serial killer in 1983, but rose from the grave to get vengeance on her murderer by tricking him into thinking she’s a missionary.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Countdown to Healthcare Reform or NOT

This Sunday (3/21) marks the final showdown between President Obama and the opposition on Heathcare reform. Sadly, there are millions of Americans who have no idea of what Healthcare reform means to us and what it takes to get this proposal into the Oval Office and signed into law. Here's and overview and some of the major highlights:

*Total out-of-pocket expenses would be limited, and insurance companies would be prevented from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. Insurers would be barred from canceling coverage for sick people, as well as charging higher premiums based on a person's gender or medical history.
*Insurers would be required to provide coverage for non-dependent children up to age 26.
*The Medicare prescription drug "doughnut hole" would be closed by 2020. Under current law, Medicare stops covering drug costs after a plan and beneficiary have spent more than $2,830 on prescription drugs. It starts paying again after an individual's out-of-pocket expenses exceed $4,550.
*Individuals would be required to purchase coverage or face a fine of up to $695 or 2.5 percent of income, whichever is greater, starting in 2016. The plan includes a hardship exemption for poorer Americans.
*Illegal immigrants would not be allowed to buy health insurance in the health insurance exchanges.

The road to getting there:
*Republicans have vowed to do everything they can to kill the bill.
*Total Democratic "no" votes needed to kill the bill: 38
*Total Democratic "no" votes as of March 19, 2010: 28 (this is close)
*House Democrats who support the Senate health care bill need 216 "yes" votes to pass it. *Opponents of the bill need to secure 216 "no" votes to kill it.

Think about it, this is more than just any old proposal. This effects us all, our children, and our elderly. Pray that it passes.


Now everyone knows I do love me some Aretha Franklin, but she really tickles me. She's like the aunt that just cannot seem to get it right or like the woman in the washateria that is washing 10 baskets of clothes but refuses to sweat while eating a bag of spicy pork skins and drinking and ice cold coca-cola. I love her! And the "get it girl", "round the way", "Shaniqua Grandmama" hairdo puts the file' in the gumbo. Check her out (she's still our Queen though).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

POEM OF THE DAY - "Welcome To The WYLD Side"

Today, I turned 42 years old. I feel the need to be liberated. I am liberating myself by writing a poem that is a bit more edgy than most of the things I write. So, without excuse, here it is:

Welcome to the WYLD side

I am an engine roaring, revving, deafening you

the bass that throbs in your heart

the last puff taken hard, wanting more

the beast that tears you apart

I am the cover model, male lover

the thing that goes bumps in the night

the world’s greatest thrill ride

a one man riot only I can incite

I am the roulette wheels loose screw

the Holy Ghosts example

a growling dog’s breaking point

the squeal from a wood rat trample

I am the snake bite venom

and the decomposing flesh

I am ice shock to afterlife

a mentor to David Koresh

I am the non-believer to all things physical

yet privy to them all

the blood stains on yellow t-shirts

the ghost shadow down the hall

I am the needle that summons you

the drug you crave the most

the constant confusion inside your head

an alligator’s bed host

I am the one most likely to fuck and leave

and keep you at my will

and tell you, “you were just a fling"

yet leave you smiling still

I am hot iron branded Luke

and tattoos in private places

cock rings and scrotum piercings

cum drops on pretty faces

I am hot piss on back porches

and shit behind pine trees

I am the one that farts in Devil’s face

and brings him to his knees

I am the roll out on 22’s

the shot from a .45

the rocking car down city streets

as I masturbate and drive

I am 10 cups of black coffee

and a whore-ish witches brew

I am the reality of your nightmares

so be careful what you do

I am all night parties with nobody's

and tongue kisses on ecstasy

I am a food stamp selling money maker

and coke with Hennessey

I am rolling dice with rock and roll

and pee in swimming pools

I set the standard for being WYLD

but learn from other fools

I am prayer candles and amulets

charms and wiccan spells

I love caviar and fine champagne

but stay in cheap hotels

So if after reading what you’ve just read

you still wanna take this ride

then buckle up and hold your shit

and welcome to the WYLD side!


Gabourey Sidibe

Since I last posted, so much has happened to me personally, so much in politics, so much in the world, in entertainment and in celebrity gossip, but nothing has effected me more than the hate filled words of Howard Stern and his, "House Nigger" sidekick, Robin Quivers regarding the talented and beautiful actress and star of the movie, "Precious", Gabourey Sidibe. Their words resonate the fact that our society is still not ready to accept people that are truly different, yet beautiful in their own right regardless of their talents or accomplishments. I have struggled with my own weight for years so I do know what rejection and ridicule feels like. But to be honest, had it been me they were discussing, I don't think I would have been as tactful. My first reaction would have been to call in and say, "Yo Mammy" (LOL). To have worked to accomplish a feat like being nominated for an Academy Award and to have trash of the likes of Howard Stern try and down you, in itself is a reason to keep pushing forward, because as the old folk used to tell me, "If they're talking about you, you must be doing something right." So to all my big, beautiful, full-figured, well-rounded, stacked sisters, regardless of color or age, keep doing your thing.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The WYLD ONE returns 3/16/2010

Mark your calendars and spread the word. WYLD STYLZ returns March 16, 2010; Unleashed, Untamed, Unrestricted, Uncensored, Unapologetic, Unscathed and Unadulterated.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Legal Advice Needed

Today, while at work, I went into my Manager's office and got a mini Reese's Peanut Butter cup from her candy bowl. I went to my desk, removed the foil wrapper and the other brown paper wrapper that the candy sits in. However, unknown to me, the candy was in two paper wrappers. (Here's where it got ugly) Not knowing that the extra paper was still on the candy, I just threw the entire piece in my mouth and started chewing. For just a moment, I thought it may have been bad peanut butter but because of the taste, I kept chewing until I swallowed! At this point, my throat and my brain were not on the same page. My mind was saying, "spit it out" but my throat was saying, "it's way too late" since it had already gone so far down. For the next 10 minutes, I snarled, gagged and prayed in the company of almost every employee on the 5th floor and in the end still ate a wad of paper while some fat chick slapped me on the back and constantly repeated, "There there, that happens to me all the time". How embarrassing. Can I sue the Hershey's Corporation? LOL