Monday, May 4, 2009

Poem of the Day - "The Looking Glass"

I just felt that someone needed to read this today:

The Looking Glass

When you gaze into the looking glass
what do you see?
The person that you are
or the one you want to be?

Can you look in your eyes and smile?
Can you stare in your face a while
without shedding salty tears?
But what’s so bad about it
it that you’ve been this way for years.

If you read your mind to find
your destiny was gloom,
would you drop your looking glass
and run in the other room?

Only to find out that you were followed
by yourself and you were out to kill.
How does this make you feel?

Your self has the looking glass
and puts it to your face.
Are you disgusting to the human race?

Who do you want to be?
A slave to yourself or
a role model for me?

Then break the looking glass
and set yourself free.



Anonymous said...

I always dig your poetry Wyld.

Bestestmom03 said...

I broke my looking glass after I turned 40. Excellent poem though. Kepp up the good work.